Messen & Events 2019
Wir listen alle Kaffee-Events, Kaffeemessen, Kaffeeveranstaltungen und Treffen in unserem CafCaf Kaffeekalender auf. Fehlt ein Eintrag? Wir nehmen ihn gerne mit auf; schreib uns dazu eine Email.
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(vorbei) The Milan Coffee Festival: 30.11. – 02.12.2019
It’s homecoming for espresso as The Milan Coffee Festival (MCF) returns to Italy for its second annual show. Based on the highly successful programs in London, Amsterdam, and New York, MCF brings together over 6,000 visitors to celebrate Italy’s bustling and vibrant coffee scene.
An unmissable event for industry professionals and consumers, guests can expect endless free coffee tastings, interactive workshops, delicious street food, coffee cocktails, and demonstrations from world-class baristas such as Manuela Fensore, Merijn Gijsbers, and Matteo Beluffi. This year’s exciting line-up of coffee competitions and staged features includes Latte Art Live, Roast Masters™, and The Lab.
Note: Tickets to The Milan Coffee Festival 2019 are complimentary. Limited number available.
Website: www.milancoffeefestival.com
Event speichern
Datum: 30.11. – 02.12.2019
(vorbei) 2019 World Aeropress Championship: 24.11.2019
Global coffee battle plungers into London
Look sharp, coffee lovers — descending upon this green and pleasant land for the first time since 2010, the World AeroPress Championship (W.A.C) is coming to London. On Sunday November 24th, 65 of the world’s best coffee brewers will travel to Bethnal Green, East London, where they’ll compete for the title of ‘2019 World AeroPress Champion’. And attendees will be at the heart of the action, getting the chance to taste the competing cups at the end of each round.
This global championship and its cult-like following centres on coffee brewed with the AeroPress; a plunger-style device adored by coffee fanatics, which retails for around £25. Having defeated thousands of counterparts in their home countries, national champions from as far and wide as India, Australia, Timor Leste, Chile and Iran will battle to see whose coffee brewing reigns supreme.
It’s serious business, but all in good fun, with the perfect blend of skill and luck needed for a win.
So how does the madness work? The W.A.C is a multi-round, elimination tournament of competitive coffee making. Competitors have just a few minutes to brew a single cup of AeroPress coffee and present it to a panel of judges, who blind taste each coffee and pick the cup they find the tastiest. In each round of three, the competitor with the tastiest brew moves on through the tournament until just one competitor remains. This year’s competition coffee will be kept top secret until just before the first round kicks off. Competitors will have only four hours to taste the coffee and perfect their recipe before taking to the stage to brew in front of an eager crowd.
But what’s in it for the spectators, I hear you ask… good question! At the end of each round, competitors will make their way to the Competitor Brew Bar where they’ll brew their recipes for the audience. This is a once-in a-lifetime chance to taste coffee prepared by literally the world’s best AeroPressers, all under one roof. The competition coffee will be also be available for attendees to try as an espresso or oat m*lk latte.
In addition to bucket loads of the world’s finest coffee, there’ll be a fully-stocked bar and a selection of the capital’s best street food vendors to keep spectators hydrated and nourished.
Who will have this year’s world title to add to the trophy cabinet at the end of the night? No matter the outcome, this celebration with like-minded coffee fanatics from over 65 countries is a sure-fire win.
Early bird tickets are £13 and general admission starts at £17. For the full ‘access-all-areas,
drink-for-free’ enchilada, VIP packages are a lazy £42.50.
Sunday, November 24, 2019 @ 3pm Oval Space, London E2 9DT
Tickets on sale now: https://wac2019.eventbrite.com
Event speichern
Datum: 24.11.2019
(vorbei) Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival: 31.10. – 02.11.2019
After the growing number of visitors – over 7,000 during the last edition- this year, on 31 October and November 1-2, the new location at Utopia 126 (Cristóbal de Moura, 126) will brew like hot coffee in a space over 500 m2. This new spot lies behind the idea of the festival’s organizers to expand their horizons and spread coffee culture.
Aimed to professionals and local baristas, the program of the festival keeps moving forward due to a endance. As a headliner, we will have Colin Harmon, four-time Irish Barista Championship, World Barista Championship nalist and owner and founder of 3fe Coffee in Dublin.
From Thursday 31 October until Saturday 2 November, coffee enthusiasts will also enjoy conferences by Patrik Rolf from April Coffee Roastery (Copenhagen) and Kenji Kojima from Fulgen (Tokio y Oslo).
As customary, during the next edition we’ll have an ample gastronomic offer, including natural wine and cra beer producers: the icing on the cake
Thursday 31 October, Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November.
Utopia 126
(c/ Cristóbal de Moura, 126)
Thursday and Friday (pro days) – tickets available on the festival website.
Saturday (open day) – 3€ entrance fee, includes unlimited coffee.
Website: ibcoffeefestival.es
Event speichern
Datum: 31.10. – 02.11.2019
(vorbei) Encuentros Cafeteros Forum, Barcelona: 25.10. – 26.10.2019
400 professionals of coffee industry will meet to explore the hottest topics influencing coffee production & consumption, to cup unique coffee selections and to strengthen collaborations.
Key production region 2019: SOUTH AMERICA
Among speakers of the forum:
José Dauster Sette, Director, International Coffee Organization
Darrin Daniel, Director, Alliance for Coffee Excellence
Diogo Amorin, founder, head roaster, Luso Coffee Roasters (Lisbon)
Kim Ossenblok, Founder, Estudio de Café (Spain)
Maria Alejandra Olano, Executive Director for Specialty Coffee, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia
Luis Mauricio Rivera Vargas, Director, Coocentral (Colombia)
Gabriel Agrelli, Quality and Market Development, Daterra Coffee (Brazil)
Timur Dudkin, R&D Director, Mare Terra Coffeeand others.
- Two-days of keynote speeches and round tables
- Open De Cata Championship with a prize fund of 11000 EUR
- Vistelo!Awards for the best-designed coffee packs
- Exclusive cuppings of selected South American lots
Website: https://mareterracoffee.com/en/events/encuentros-cafeteros-2019-in-barcelona
Event speichern
Datum: 25.10. – 26.10.2019
(vorbei) Brussels Coffee Week: 07.10. – 13.10.2019
Brussels Coffee Week is all about sharing a common passion, between professionals and amateurs. A week dedicated to passion, taste, sharing moments and enjoy the great product that is coffee. The event also aims to educate about the preparation, the good products, origins…
My Little Cup & The Coffee Collective – Cupping
For My Little Cup, sustainability starts with buying coffee the right way. By sourcing in a transparent way they can share the story behind each bean. This is why they give priority to roasters who build a sustainable relationship with their producers. During this event, we are going to taste coffee from Coffee Collective in Denmark. We will also have a chat about the benefits of Direct Trade with Callum from Coffee Collective. Happening from 7 till 13 October, Brussels Coffee Week brings you to the best specialty coffee places and special places for coffee in Brussels.
How to survive a barista job: Advice from a physiotherapist
The workshop all baristas have been waiting for! Having some problems with neck, lower back, wrists or shoulders? Brussels Coffee Week invites physiotherapist and barista from OR Coffee Aïda Jacquemyn. The 7th of October, Aïda will introduce exercises for the body, explain where injuries come from and try to help you with your personal physical complaints. This way she will help you to train your body for working as a barista. Happening from 7 till 13 October, Brussels Coffee Week brings you to the best specialty coffee places and special places for coffee in Brussels.
Knits & Treats – The Sustainable Coffee Bar (Alpro & Billie Cup)
This year, Brussels Coffee Week, we want to promote a sustainable coffee scene in our city. To reach our goal, we partnered with two companies who work hard to improve the sustainability of our coffee bars: Alpro and Billiecup. We invite Alpro and Billiecup at Knits & Treats for an evening to talk about the Sustainable Coffee Bar. Alpro’s head of sustainable research will present the efforts Alpro has made to create sustainable alternatives for cow milk. Billiecup founder Ineke Van Nieuwenhove will give an introduction to the Billiecup. One of this years goals of the Brussels Coffee Week is to introduce the Billiecup in the Brussels coffee scene.
Kaffabar – How to make coffee at home: a filter coffee Workshop
Brewing a filter coffee is the easiest way to make delicious coffee at home. You will not need any single-use coffee pods anymore after this workshop at Kaffabar. Marc Daniels from Kaffabar will introduce you to specialty coffee and different brewing methods.
Belga&Co – Transparency in green coffee pricing with Cup A Lot
Belga & Co has two coffee bars in Brussels and recently opened a new one in Antwerp. They also roast their own coffee. They buy their green coffee from different green coffee traders. With a crisis in the green coffee price, many farmers struggle to survive. Belga & Co invites Katrien Pauwels from Cup-A-Lot to give a lecture about the transparency in green coffee pricing. Katrien Pauwels travels around the world looking for delicious coffee. She’s in direct contact with coffee farmers all over the world and loves to share their (often difficult) story.
Cantine – Latte Art Knock-Out
As you may know, we love a good contest during Brussels Coffee Week! That’s why this year we are hosting a Latte Art Knock-out at Cantine. And because we want to promote a sustainable coffee scene in our city, the latte art will be made with plant-based milk by Alpro. As you may know plant-based milk is a bit trickier to foam, that is why you will be getting the help from Perfect Moose ! So don’t be afraid and join our contest! And of course you are all welcome to watch or cheer for your favorite candidate!
La petite production – Cupping with Cuperus
La Petite Production is one of Brussels Coffee Weeks favorite brunch places close to Flagey! They work with coffee roasted by Cuperus (Antwerp). For the Brussels Coffee Week they organise a cupping (coffee tasting) with a selection of Cuperus best coffees. Cuperus will also give a talk about the ways they work with their coffee suppliers (Direct trade).
L’alchimiste-How to recycle coffee waste: a creative masterclass
A coffee bar produces a lot of waste, but not all this waste should be discarded as garbage. Used coffee grounds are a very interesting product you can use as a fertilizer, body scrub, or beauty product. Perrine Vandenborre from L’Alchimiste – Fresh food & coffee maker – will give a creative masterclass in reusing used coffee grounds.
Wide Awake Coffee – New kid in town: a roasting workshop
Wide Awake Coffee is a new specialty coffee roaster in Brussels. They open their coffee roaster in the centre of Brussels at the beginning of October. They will give a roasting workshop. Curious about the basics of roasting coffee? Rutger and Senina love to share their passion for coffee with you.
Website: www.brusselscoffeeweek.comhttp://www.brusselscoffeeweek.com
Event speichern
Datum: 07.10. – 13.10.2019
(vorbei) Berlin Coffee Festival: 01.10. – 06.10.2019
Woher kommt der Rohkaffee? Woran erkennt man, dass er besonders gut ist und wie röstet und brüht man ihn? Im Rahmen unseres Festivalprogramms könnt ihr die unterschiedlichsten Kaffeeorte Berlins besuchen und tief eintauchen. Egal ob Neuling oder Profi. Das ganze Wochenende stoßt ihr auf offene Türen, offene Ohren und offene Arme. Fünf Tage lang habt ihr die Gelegenheit Berlins beste Cafés, Kaffeebars und Röstereien kennenzulernen: bei Workshops, Vorträgen und Events organisiert von der Berliner Kaffeewelt!
Großer Kaffeemarkt
Vereint unter dem Dach der Markthalle Neun, findet ihr am Sonntag die höchste Dichte an begeisterten Kaffeemenschen. Lernt diejenigen kennen, die Berlins Kaffeeszene in den letzten Jahren so lebendig haben werden lassen. Und nicht nur in Berlin, überall in Deutschland und Europa arbeiten junge Röstereien daran, die Beziehung zwischen denjenigen, die am Beginn der Wertschöpfungskette stehen und den Cafés, in denen wir unseren Kaffee trinken, zu revolutionieren. Das Herz schlägt am Sonntag nicht nur schneller, sondern auch höher, wenn sich alle zum Austausch treffen. Voller Leidenschaft und Fachwissen. Es gibt viel Kaffee zu trinken und natürlich könnt ihr eure Entdeckungen und Lieblinge auch mit nach Hause nehmen.
Berlin Batch
Beim fünften Berlin Coffee Festival wollen wir unsere Zukunftsvision für Kaffee vorstellen: Unter dem Label Berlin Batch schließen sich viele der Röstereien, die beim Festival dabei sind, zusammen, kaufen gemeinsam mit unserem Festivalpartner Café Imports Kaffee von der Don Sabino Micromill in Costa Rica ein, rösten ihn individuell und legen alle Kosten offen. Wir wollen damit unterstreichen, was uns wichtig ist: Verständnis für alle Schritte, die es für guten Kaffee braucht, und eine transparente Wertschöpfungskette, von der alle profitieren: Bauern, Rösterinnen, der Geschmack. Während des gesamten Festivals könnt ihr kosten, wie vielfältig der Kaffee eines einzelnen Ursprungs schmecken kann!
Das Berlin Coffee Festival im Überblick
Dienstag 1. – Samstag 5. Oktober
Fünf Tage lang gibt es die Gelegenheit Berlins Kaffee-Orte zu entdecken! Startschuss ist der internationale Tag des Kaffees [8] am 1. Oktober. Bei unzähligen Workshops, Vorträgen und Verkostungen können sich Interessierte tief in die Kaffeewelt hineinkosten. Ob beim Rösten in der Lieblingsrösterei, Entdecken neuer Cafés oder dem Erkunden des Innenleben einer Kaffeemaschine. Wer mag, kostet sich eine Woche lang durch die Stadt und lernt die Leute kennen, die die Zukunft des Kaffees verändern wollen.
Sonntag, 6. Oktober, 11–18 Uhr
Das Finale des Festivals ist der große Markt am Sonntag unter dem Dach der historischen Markthalle Neun. ÜBER 30 RÖSTEREIEN und noch weit mehr begeisterte Kaffeemenschen zeigen, was sie anders machen – und vor allem wie das schmeckt. Besucher*innen können sich durch unzählige Kaffeevarietäten und -röstungen probieren und bei COFFEE TALKS RUND UM DAS THEMA TRANSPARENZ IM KAFFEEHANDEL mitdiskutieren. Jeder ist eingeladen eine eigene Tasse mitzubringen oder erhält gegen Pfand einen Kaffeeform [9]-Becher – denn der Markt ist komplett EINWEGBECHERFREI! Wer sich für zuhause eindecken möchte, findet auf dem Markt alles was es braucht, um einen richtig guten Kaffee zu machen.
EINTRITT: 8€* / Early Bird Ticket mit Specials (ab Anfang September über die Website) *im Preis mit inbegriffen ist unbegrenzt schwarzer Kaffee
Website: https://berlincoffeefestival.de/
Event speichern
Datum: 01.10. – 06.10.2019
(vorbei) Edinburgh Coffee Festival: 05.10.2019
From the coffee connoisseur looking for the latest coffee craze to casual drinkers looking to kick start their coffee experience there is something for everyone at the EDINBURGH COFFEE FESTIVAL on the 5th October 2019, taking place at one of the city’s best-known venues, The Edinburgh Corn Exchange and this year supported by new headline sponsor, Alpro.
The festival will play host to over 40 speciality coffee and tea exhibitors, attracting over 2000 visitors and allowing coffee enthusiasts from all over the country to experience some of the best brews, foods and cakes that Scotland’s bustling and dynamic coffee scene has to offer. The festival has been increasing in size and popularity year-on-year. Our fifth year is proving to be no exception, attracting more new and exciting exhibitors than ever.
However, this is so much more than just a chance to drink tea and coffee. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the rich history behind the Guatemalan coffee industry and taste coffees from Rwanda, Ethiopia and the Caribbean or get hands on at one of the masterclasses on offer. Visitors will not only get the chance to experience all the products on offer, but also to learn from experts in interactive workshops, tastings and demonstrations.
This year the World AeroPress Championship will be returning to the festival where coffee fanatics from all over Scotland battled it out using nothing but a plastic coffee brewer.
Edinburgh Coffee Festival 2019 includes:
• The World AeroPress Championship (a global coffee-making competition, designed to find the world’s best AeroPress coffee brewer) takes place in London in November. Edinburgh Coffee Festival is honoured and delighted to have been chosen as hosts to the Scottish Championships, sponsored by iZettle, with the winner in Edinburgh going forward, all expenses paid, to the final in London.
• A world first Coffee Festival Coffee Garden which will highlight one of the world’s most important commercial crop plants – more information to come in due course!
• Stalls by local roasters and coffee shops, cake makers, hot chocolate specialists, hot and cold street food, sellers of brewing equipment and more. Exhibitors include: Alpro, Chocolate Tree, Django Coffee Co., Hasbean Coffee, Caravan Coffee Roasters, Edinburgh Tea and Coffee Company, Eteaket, Unorthodox Roasters, Taylors of Harrogate, Green City Wholefoods and many more. A full list can be found on the website.
• Talks, demonstrations and cuppings. As well as interactive workshops, tastings and demonstrations such as masterclasses in tea brewing. Advance booking is advised for all workshops because tickets sold like hot cakes last year!
• Zero Waste Event: Once again we will play host to award-winning catering disposables by Vegware and, in addition, we will be welcoming SoLCups who produce 100% plastic-free, hand blown glass re-usable cups and water bottles, as well as Revive-Eco who will be collecting all of the coffee grounds and extracting their high value oils for use in a variety of industries from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics.
Website: http://www.edinburghcoffeefestival.co.uk
Event speichern
Datum: 05.10.2019
(vorbei) Coffee Roasters Guild Camp: 30.09. – 03.10.2019
Coffee Roasters Guild
The Coffee Roasters Guild (CRG) and Diedrich Roasters have announced the recipients of the 2019 Diedrich Roasters Scholarship for CRG Retreat in the USA as well as the launch of the Diedrich Scholarship at CRG Camp in Europe. CRG Retreat will take place this August 15-18 in Buford, Georgia, USA, and CRG Camp will take place in Annecy, France, from September 30 to October 3. Retreat and Camp are annual events where professional coffee roasters from around the world gather to share knowledge, learn new skills, and build and renew friendships.
Diedrich Scholarship Applications Now Open for CRG Camp (France)
Applications are now open for two individual scholarships to CRG Camp in Annecy, France. This award covers registration fees, accommodation during the event, and flights to Geneva. The application deadline is August 23. More information is available on the event website at https://www.crgcamp.coffee/.
SCA Executive Director Yannis Apostolopoulos said, “We at the SCA are honored that Diedrich have very generously supported roasters with this scholarship program for the past five years in the USA and for the past two in Europe. This scholarship program expands access to CRG events for roasters from around the globe who help to drive the future of the industry and Diedrich Roasters bolsters our ability to reach more coffee professionals who need the financial support to advance in their careers.“
About Coffee Roasters Guild
The Coffee Roasters Guild is the global trade guild of the Specialty Coffee Association dedicated to inspiring a diverse coffee roasting community through the development and promotion of the roasting profession. The CRG brings together specialty coffee roasters from around the globe with combined decades of experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to grow the craft of coffee roasting. Learn more at https://www.crg.coffee/.
About Diedrich Roasters
Diedrich Roasters, founded in 1980, offers a wide variety of coffee roasting equipment custom made for each customer using only the highest quality materials. Diedrich manufactures premium coffee roasters sought out by professionals who demand quality and who believe that they have a responsibility to their customers and their growers to achieve the best roast possible. Learn more at https://www.diedrichroasters.com/.
About the Specialty Coffee Association
The Specialty Coffee Association is a trade association built on foundations of openness, inclusivity, and the
power of shared knowledge. From coffee farmers to baristas and roasters, our membership spans the globe, encompassing every element of the coffee value chain. The SCA acts as a unifying force within the specialty
coffee industry and works to make coffee better by raising standards worldwide through a collaborative and
progressive approach. Dedicated to building an industry that is fair, sustainable, and nurturing for all, the SCA draws on years of insights and inspiration from the specialty coffee community. Learn more at
Website: https://www.crgcamp.coffee
Event speichern
Datum: 30.09. – 03.30.2019
(vorbei) Swiss Coffee Connection: 28.09. – 29.09.2019
The Swiss Coffee Connection invites you to the 2nd Edition coffee festival in Lausanne.
Open to everyone, this annual event aims to bring together coffee lovers and coffee professionals: artisans, roasters, machine builders, baristas and artists-creators, where you will discover or re-discover the craftwork of these local independents.
Here you will be able to appreciate the third wave coffee, coffee as an art. The nature of coffee will be revealed in all its diversity, aromas, production and various extraction methods. On programme, booth, workshops, tastings, mobile-coffee, demonstrations.
Swiss Coffee Connection is the place to exchange, question, discover and experience new flavours. Come enjoy the wide range of special coffee, from the artisan to the cup.
28 september
Opening 9h00
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
2019 Aeropress Swiss Championchip
Closing 18h00
After Party
29 september
Opening 9h00
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
Closing 18h00
ENTRANCE: Open to everyone! Entrance price at your good will to support the associationYou will be proposed to buy a branded tasting glass to take home, CHF 10.-.Kids welcome and free entrance
Website: https://swisscoffeeconnection.ch
Event speichern
Datum: 28.09. – 29.09.2019
(vorbei) Barista Camp Greece: 10.09. – 13.09.2019
Barista Camp, a Barista Guild event, is a four-day educational event for baristas with a wide range of experience and skills. This year Barista Camp Europe will take place September 10–13 in Anavissos, Greece.
The educational core of Barista Camp is based on SCA’s Coffee Skills Program, with optional certification. In addition to these training sessions, Barista Camp offers activities, lectures, and tastings. A resort setting and social activities in the evenings help baristas relax and connect with new friends from all over Europe.
Event highlights:
- Four days of professional education
- Certification opportunities towards SCA Coffee Skills Program Certificate
- Cutting-edge content through lectures and tastings
- Opportunity to test the industry’s most advanced coffee machines and tools
- Meet and connect with peers, teachers, and potential mentors
New event highlight:
New to Barista Camp! A non-certified workshop track will be available for those looking to expand their knowledge outside of the Coffee Skills Program. Workshops include: • Cherry To Seed: Experiments In Fermentation
- Crafting Seasonal Cold Brew Recipes
- Dissecting the Espresso Machine
- Exploring Roast Profiles
- The Foundation of Tea
- Water Chemistry: Beyond H2ORegistration is now open with an Early Bird Discount available until August 18. More information at www.baristacamp.coffee.
About Barista Camp
About Barista Camp Barista Camp focuses on offering an opportunity to develop and learn as a barista, in a setting that promotes sharing ideas and experiences, and being part of a wider community. The event runs over 4 days and includes professional education, cutting-edge lectures and tastings, and more. Find all the information about the event at www.baristacamp.coffee.
About Barista Guild
The Barista Guild (BG) is the global trade guild of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) made up of members dedicated to the craft of coffee preparation and service. The SCA is a nonprofit organization, exempt from tax under IRC 501(c)(6), and organized under the laws of California as a mutual benefit corporation. Learn more at www.baristaguild.coffee.
About the Specialty Coffee Association
The SCA is a trade association built on foundations of openness, inclusivity, and the power of shared knowledge. From coffee farmers to baristas and roasters, our membership spans the globe, encompassing every element of the coffee value chain. SCA acts as a unifying force within the specialty coffee industry and works to make coffee better by raising standards worldwide through a collaborative and progressive approach. Dedicated to building an industry that is fair, sustainable, and nurturing for all, SCA draws on years of insights and inspiration from the specialty coffee community. Learn more at www.sca.coffee.
Event speichern
Datum: 10.09. – 13.09.2019
(vorbei) Café! Festival & Expo Paris: 21.06. – 23.06.2019
A coffee please! The drink most consumed by the French, second only to water, did not yet have its own fully dedicated event.
So we fixed that by creating the Café! Festival & Expo. The first edition of the festival will be held in June 2019, in Paris.
Café! is the first festival organized in France which is devoted exclusively to specialty coffee. For its first edition, in June 2019, more than one hundred exhibitors and nearly 5000 visitors are expected in the heart of Paris for three coffee intense days ! Aimed at professionals and the general public, the Café! Festival & Expo aspires to become the unmissable event for all coffee lovers.
A professional salon
Reserved for coffee professionals, the first day revolve around an exhibition, conferences and professional training workshops. In order to make encounters and exchange knowledge in a convivial atmosphere, exhibitors and their guests are also invited to a festive evening, a unique opportunity to meet the major players in the coffee sector, expand their networks, and form new partnerships.
An adventure for everyone’s taste buds
On the second and third day, the festival opens its doors to the general public. These days provide a unique sensory experience, allowing people to discover different coffees, their origins, and their artisans. Live music, ephemeral coffee shops, exhibitions, initiation to roasting workshops, or Latte Art led by coffee professionals: myriad events within the event to help visitors discover the thousand and one ways to savour coffee.
The France Coffee Roasting Championship
To highlight the know-how of those who make coffee an art, the festival will host the France Coffee Roasting Championship. This show-style competition is a must-see for all coffee lovers. Visitors will be able to gather some expert coffee roasting tips from the best coffee roasters in France.
Photo & Text: Café! Festival & Expo Paris
Website: https://www.cafestival.fr/en
Event speichern
Datum: 21.06. – 23.06.2019
(vorbei) Sofia Coffee Festival: 08.06. – 09.06.2019
We are pleased to announce Sofia Coffee Festival 2019. The event will be held on 08th and 09th June at Inter Expo Center, Sofia. There will be a lot of activities, contests, master classes and many opportunities for meeting potential worldwide partners.
The main program of Sofia Coffee Festival offers you to immerse yourself in the coffee world from 10 am to 8 pm on 08.06.2019. You will have the unique opportunity: to meet with the biggest coffee makers, to learn interesting facts about the refreshing drink – how and where it grows; how it is blended and prepared; also to taste different flavours and blends from around the world; to see and choose the best coffee maker – either for home, office, restaurant or hotel, which will help you to make your guests and family happier.
At the end of the second day of the Sofia Coffee Festival, which will be on 09.06.2019, from 10 am to 6 pm, there will be a lottery draw with the following prizes: special coffee packages from around the world, coffee machines, consumables and many other gifts for all, who have bought a ticket.
Latte Art is an experience that every barista or amateur coffee fan wants to experience and develop. Make the best milk, so you can draw the desired picture – flower, swan or heart for a loved one. That is the place where it could happen! Demonstrations and contests will run in a special zone, where will be a lot of challenges with plenty of emotions, awards and great mood, as well coffee for all the viewers.
A special contest for bartenders and baristas in several rounds. A very challenging and intense competition for the finest cocktails with impressive demonstration.
It is expected that you will show your creativity, ingenuity, knowledge and above all a heart in what you do in front of the jury! The rounds will have a direct elimination, so you are expected to give all the best of yourself.
There will be a restricted area for demonstrations, training and meetings, which will be exclusively opened for invitations holders. Baristas from around the world will be able to meet with the coffee industry’s professionals in Bulgaria and also will have the possibility to exchange experience and to present the latest techniques and skills in the art of making the perfect coffee.
Website: http://www.sofiacoffeefestival.com/
Event speichern
Datum: 08.06. – 09.06.2019
(vorbei) World of Coffee, Berlin: 06.06. – 08.06.2019
Europas größte Messe für Spezialitätenkaffee zu Gast in Berlin
6. bis 8. Juni, Messe Berlin ExpoCenter City
Jedes Jahr im Juni bringt World of Coffee die Specialty Coffee Gemeinschaft in einer anderen europäischen Stadt zusammen. Nach Stationen wie Amsterdam, Dublin, Rimini oder Maastricht findet die mittlerweile neunte Ausgabe dieses Jahr in Berlin statt. World of Coffee bringt Röster, Barista, Produzenten und Branchenexperten aus der ganzen Welt, zusammen, präsentiert aktuelle Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 215 Aussteller, aus 48 Ländern werden an der World of Coffee 2019 teilnehmen – gerahmt von einem inklusiven Programm aus Vorträgen, Tastings, interaktiven Plattformen wie dem Design Lab und den Best New Product Awards.
In diesem Jahr ist die World of Coffee zudem Gastgeber der renommierten World Coffee Championships in den Kategorien “World Latte Art”, „World Coffee In Good Spirits“, „World Cup Tasters“ und „Cezve/Ibrik“. Organisiert von der Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), dem Dachverband fur Spezialitätenkaffee, fungiert die World of Coffee als offenes Forum für eine inklusive Diskussion mit und innerhalb der Specialty Coffee Gemeinschaft. Ziel der SCA ist die kontinuierliche Verbesserung des Kaffeestandards, die Beförderung von Spezialitätenkaffee sowie der Aufbau einer fairen und nachhaltigen Branche für alle Beteiligten in der Kaffeewertschöpfungskette.
Roaster Villages
32 Mikroröster aus 16 unterschiedlichen Ländern präsentieren neue und aktuelle Sorten, Kaffee wird frisch geröstet und zum Verkosten aufgebrüht. Die Roaster Villages geben Einblick in Trends des Kaffee-Sourcing, Handling, Rösten, Bruhen und Vertrieb.
Design Lab
Eine öffentliche Plattform, die Arbeiten in den Kategorien „Coffee Spaces“, „Gefäße“, „Verpackung“ und „Branding“ auszeichnet. www.worldofcoffee.org/design-lab.
Best New Product Competition & Display
In unterschiedlichen Kategorien – von Technik bis hin zu Kaffee- und Teeaccessoires – werden auf der World of Coffee ausgestellte Produkte prämiert. Bewertet werden Qualität sowie Nutzen für die Industrie des Spezialitätenkaffee und -tee.
Jedes Jahr lädt die World of Coffee Experten der Kaffeeindustrie ein, informative wie inspirierende Vorträge in den folgenden Themenbereichen einzureichen: „Human- & Gesellschaftswissenschaften“; „Nachhaltigkeit“; „Wissenschaft & Innovation“; „Kaffeeanbau & -verarbeitung“; „Rösten & Einzelhandel“; „Trading & Commerce“. Die vollständige Liste aller Vorträge folgt unter www.worldofcoffee.org/lectures-berlin
Automating Excellence
Präsentiert werden die innovativsten vollautomatischen Kaffeemaschinen führender Produzenten, von denen Spezialitätenkaffee frisch aufgebrüht verkostet werden kann.
Der Begriff „Spezialitätenkaffee“ wird durch von der SCA entwickelte und weltweit auferlegte Qualitätsstandards geschützt. Derzeit gibt es mehrere Standards in den Segmenten Wasser, Cupping und grüner Kaffee. Eingeführt wurde der Begriff „Specialty Coffee“ bereits 1974 von der Norwegerin Erna Knutsen während einer internationalen Kaffeekonferenz, als Bezeichnung von Kaffeebohnen mit besonderen Merkmalen, die mit entsprechender Sorgfalt geröstet und zubereitet werden. Die SCA baut heute mit ihrer Arbeit auf diese Definition auf.
Heute ist das Spezialisierungssegment der am schnellsten wachsenden Zweig der Kaffeeindustrie. Nach den USA ist das größte Wachstum in Europa sowie Asien zu verzeichnen. In etwa 11.500 Mitglieder zählt die SCA heute. Die Top 20-Staaten mit den meisten Mitgliedern listen sich wie folgt: USA, Südkorea, UK, Italien, Taiwan, China, Russland, Schweiz, Griechenland, Deutschland, Kanada, Spanien, Niederlande, Frankreich, Ukraine, Australien, Irland, Türkei, Polen, Brasilien.
Die SCA, gegründet 1982 in New York, ist eine mitgliederbasierte Non-Profit-Organisation, die Mitglieder in über 100 Ländern repräsentiert, von Farmern, über Röster, bis hin zu Barista. Die SCA unterstützt Maßnahmen, um weltweit eine maximale Qualität von Kaffee zu etablieren. Ziel der Organisation ist es, die Qualität von Kaffee vom Anbau bis in die Tasse aufrecht zu halten und für den Konsumenten so transparent wie möglich zu gestalten. Im Zentrum der Verbesserungspotenziale stehen die Interessen aller, die am Anbau und am Verkauf von Kaffee beteiligt sind – eine ganzheitliche Analyse von Lieferketten, die von den Ursprungsländern der Kaffeekunden bis zum Neukunden reichen. Die zweite tragende Säule der Organisation bilden Bemühungen um die Nachhaltigkeit der Kaffeeerzeugung und Weiterverarbeitung.
World of Coffee 2019
6. bis 8. Juni | täglich, 10 bis 17 Uhr
Messe Berlin ExpoCity Center
Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin
Website: https://www.worldofcoffee.org/
Event speichern
Datum: 06.06. – 08.06.2019
(vorbei) 4C Global Sustainability Conference: 06.06.2019
4C Global Sustainability Conference, Berlin
Practical Solutions for Sustainable Coffee Supply Chains
How can you address key sustainability and climate impact challenges in the coffee sector?How to implement sustainable supply chains in times of low coffee prices? What are thesustainability strategies of leading brand owners and traders? What is the impact ofsustainability certification and how can it be increased? How can you integrate smallholders? How can you use innovative technologies to increase the credibility of certification and tosupport risk mitigation? How is the new 4C certification system dealing with those issues? Which concrete and implementable solutions are offered to the market?
Coffee producers, brand owners, roasters, traders and retailers, as well as authorities, associations, NGOs, research bodies and other interested parties are cordially invited to thefirst 4C Global Sustainability Conference taking place in Berlin on June 6, 2019. Expertspeakers will provide insights from various perspectives. Besides short and focused presentations, the agenda provides sufficient time for discussions and networking.
The event is free of charge. Registration is required.Please register today to reserve your place:
Website: www.4C-services.org
Program: Download now
Event speichern
Datum: 06.06.2019
(vorbei) Slovakian Drip Coffee Festival: 25.05.2019
What is Drip Coffee Festival?
Our aim is to bring the world of specialty coffee closer to people. We created space where slovak specialty coffee roasters can meet with coffee fans and professionals.
Drip is about coffee, atmosphere and people. Festival is primarily aimed on coffee prepared by alternative brewing methods, however we will offer espresso based drinks on shared espresso bars. During the day you can try as many coffees as you like, attend lectures, workshops and cuppings. Festival is placed in the building of restored diesel powerplant, where you can still see diesel generators.
This year there will be no paper cups on festival, only reusable cups are allowed. Our aim is to lower the production of waste by 90% compared to last year.
Eventsite: https://www.facebook.com/events/245031419749638/
Event speichern
Datum: 25.05.2019
(vorbei) Zagreb Coffee Break: 24.05. – 25.05.2019
Zagreb Coffee Break
The Zagreb Coffee Break International Coffee Festival will be held on May 24 and 25, 2019 at the Zagreb Fair, Zagreb, Croatia. This festival is an unique opportunity for numerous domestic and foreign producers and distributors of coffee and coffee appliances to present themselves and their products. It is also an irresistible destination for all coffee lovers who want to taste the coffee flavors from around the world.
Along with the fair, the festival will also host numerous activities such as coffee presentations, workshops, lectures, competitions and cupping. The festival will also have a rich off-program with official parties, food stands and a children’s play corner.
Numerous exhibitors and guests from Croatia and all over Europe have confirmed their participation at the festival, and we expect a great number of visitors from all branches of hospitality and tourism, both from Croatia and the wider region. Some of the sponsors are: La Marzocco, Fiorenzato, AeroPress and Clever Dripper, while Zagreb Coffee Break has also signed an agreement on cooperation with two other important festivals in the region, Trieste Coffee Festival and Ljubljana Coffee Festival.
Zagreb Coffee Break organizes for the first time the exclusive international barista competition, the Zagreb Barista Showdown, which will be judged by experienced international judges who have experience with the greatest barista competitions. The competition will have 4 disciplines (Preparation of the perfect espresso, Cupping, Preparation of signature drink, Preparation of filter coffee), and applications end on 28 April, 2019. First prize is €10.000, and second prize is origin trip to Brazil.
The festival organizer is Imperija kave company, that has been involved in education and consulting in the field of coffee industry, in selling coffee and coffee preparation equipment, as well as organizing events since 2016. The company was founded by Dejan Ganžulić, certified barista with many years of experience working in the hospitality industry, as well as the Croatian AeroPress Champion for 2018.
The premiere edition of Zagreb Coffee Break, which was held in February of the last year, attracted great interest from exhibitors, visitors, sponsors and media. This year, we wish to connect the two segments, the festival and the fair, so that the visitors can enjoy good coffee, good program and learn about coffee, while the exhibitors can showcase their products and services at the biggest event in the region.
Website: http://zagrebcoffeebreak.com/en/zcb/
Event speichern
Datum: 24.05. – 25.05.2019
(vorbei) Bucharest Coffee Week: 14.05. – 19.05.2019
The first edition of the Bucharest Coffee Week will take place between May 14 and May 19. More than 30 events will be held, all in various locations, in order to give you the chance to know more about coffee through tastings, parties, workshops, talks, and other funny activities.
We promote the amazing job made by local coffee artisans, we aim to stimulate the community feeling, and we want to give you the opportunity to experience coffee in ways you never thought about before.
Eventsite: https://www.facebook.com/events/568744850279249/
Event speichern
Datum: 14.05. – 19.05.2019
(vorbei) CoLab: Milan: 07.05. – 09.05.2019
What is CoLab?
CoLab is a seminar series, which combines a full day of compelling educational content with 2 half days on either side to discover the host city’s coffee community and culture. CoLab: focuses on connecting a local community with the international barista scene, both through hosting lectures and workshops as well as creating activities to discover and celebrate the local coffee scene.
Tuesday 7 May | The First Sip
CoLab: Milan begins at midday on Tuesday 7 May. From 12:00 registration will be open at the Faema Flagship store, where the local BG team will be on hand to provide tips, directions and recommendations. They’ll welcome you with a handy city map, schedule, and delicious coffee. Early arrivers will be invited to join BG for a the first community activity in the program.
Wednesday 8 May | The Body
The main day of CoLab: Milan will take place at the Faema Flagship Store, newly opened events space in the Tortona District of Milan. We’ll host a morning of coffee talks under the themes of Sensory, Sustainability and Barista Life, before an afternoon of engaging panel discussions and workshops and the opportunity to investigate the morning talks in depth. This is your chance to get hands-on and engage with the event speakers as part of the CoLab format.
Schedule of Events
09:00 – Registration
09:50 – Welcome from Barista Guild
10:00 – Building A Competition Routine
10:45 – Climate Change Adaption
11:30 – Coffee Break
12:00 – Panel Discussion – Careers: Life After The Bar
12:45 – Lunch
13:45 – Language of Sensory Workshop
15:45 – Coffee Break
16:15 – Specialty Café Menu Curation
17:00 – Panel Discussion – Local Coffee Culture: How Italian Specialty Coffee Got Here
Thursday 9 May | The Aftertaste
In addition to the main day’s activities, the program will provide a day of community event activities for CoLab’ers to investigate the local coffee scene through cafe activities, tastings and cuppings! Check back for the full list of community events.
Event speichern
Datum: 07.05. – 09.05.2019
(vorbei) Glasgow Coffee Festival: 04.05. – 05.05.2019
Scotland’s coffee connoisseurs will soon be descending on The Briggait for their biggest caffeine kick of the year as the Glasgow Coffee Festival returns. And once again it looks set to sell-out, with all early-bird tickets to Scotland’s largest coffee festival already snapped up.
Organised by Dear Green Coffee Roasters, the two-day event will showcase Scotland’s burgeoning speciality coffee scene. A feast for the senses, visitors can expect taste sensations from artisan roasters, top class cafés and brilliant baristas, and they can pick up a trick or two at the masterclasses, workshops and demonstrations. Plus, there’ll be plenty to inspire their creative side, from latte art to a film premiere.
As if that wasn’t enough, the Glasgow Coffee Festival is thrilled to announce the best palates in the business will battle it out in the United Kingdom Cup Tasters Championship organised by the Speciality Coffee Association – UK Chapter. Contestants will slurp their way through eight sets of triangle tests (three “cups” of coffee where two are the same and one differs) to spot the odd one out. The competition gets increasingly harder as the coffees in each set get increasingly similar. The results are instant as contestants lift their cups to discover if a red dot on the base tells them they have spotted the odd one out. It’s the coffee equivalent of a penalty shoot-out! For those looking to get in on the action themselves, there’ll be a Cupping Lab where visitors can sniff, sip and scrutinise a variety of offerings from the world of coffee.
Following the overwhelmingly positive response to the event organiser’s decision to move away from disposable cups last year, the Glasgow Coffee Festival will continue to pioneer a culture change and embrace reuse where and whenever possible. Visitors will be asked to bring their own reusable cup to the event to help combat the 30,000 tonnes of coffee cup waste produced in the UK each year. Event sponsors KeepCup will also be on hand to loan reusable cups to anyone who needs to borrow one for the day.
And, just as in previous years, all profits from the festival will be donated to two great causes. This year they have chosen World Coffee Research and Glasgow City Mission as their charities of choice.
The festival has completely sold out in previous years so coffee lovers are advised to head to the website to book their tickets now to guarantee entry to a bonanza of beans, brewers, baristas and bars.
The Glasgow Coffee Festival will take place on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May 2019, 10am – 6pm, at The Briggait, Glasgow. Tickets start at £16.50 and include admission to the event, a goody bag, one hot drink and entry into the prize draw.
Event speichern
Datum: 04.05. – 05.05.2019
(vorbei) Tallinn Coffee Festival: 26.04 – 27.04.2019
Tallinn Coffee Festival?!
Tallinn Coffee Festival #TLNCF is an event where both professionals and enthusiasts – local roasters, cafes, distributors and coffee lovers – can get together. Guests can explore many different types of coffee specialties, preparation methods and equipment. Good music, entertaining program, engaging competitions and a wonderful aroma wait for all the guests of the festival. In addition to coffee, the festival also features other hot drinks like tea and hot chocolate, street food places and cafes.
The organizers and participants of TLNCF aim to develop the cafe culture in Estonia. Contributing to informed consumption, bringing consumer interest, surprising coffee lovers with new products – this is the mission of the coffee festival.
In the spring of 2018, the second Tallinn Coffee Festival was visited by 4680 people, and the next Tallinn Coffee Festival will be held in April 26 to 27, 2019. Save the date! Let‘s have coffee together!
TLNCF programme
The two-day TLNCF programme is targeted at coffee fanatics and industry professionals running coffee shops and restaurants. There will be barista competitions for professionals. Master classes and presentations with top presenters from Estonia and Europe.
Tallinn Coffee Festival is an event coffee fanatics must not miss! Professionals will receive new information and consumers and foodies will have two days packed full of coffee and culture. And you can make lot’s of selfies and friendsies.
Full program will be published before the April.
Website: http://tallinncoffeefestival.ee
Event speichern
Datum: 26.04. – 27.04.2019
(vorbei) Moscow Coffee Festival: 19.04 – 21.04.2019

The Moscow Coffee Festival will take place from 19 to 21 of April in Moscow on the ground of Trehgornaya Manufacture, hall „Nadezhda“. This festival has become an open platform where meet together professionals of coffee industry and regular coffee lovers. Guests will visit different areas: coffeeshop’s zone, zone of companies, educational zone, coffee market and coffee championships areas.
Moscow Coffee Festival will held 4 championships for professionals: Russian Latte Art Championship, Russian Coffee In Good Spirits Championship, Moscow Qualifiyng Round of Alternative Cup Tasting Championship and National championship among coffeeshops teams „Russian Coffee Cup“.
The main aim of Moscow Coffee Festival to enable wide audience to discover good quality coffee and the real state of coffee industry in Russia, to help people to improve their knowledge about coffee and to fall in love with this special product.
On 20-21th of April Moscow Coffee Festival is open for everyone, the 19th of April is a press-day, to enter the festival it’s necessary to register.
Address: Rochdelskaya ul., 15, building 24, Moscow, Russia
Website: https://moscowcoffeefestival.com
Event speichern
Datum: 19.04. – 21.04.2019
(vorbei) Helsinki Coffee Festival: 12.04 – 14.04.2019

Helsinki Coffee Festival will be organized for the fifth time and its said to be one of the most coolest coffee festivals in the world! Don’t miss out this coffee spectacle and join us in the Finnish capital Helsinki on 12-14.4.2019.
As you might know, Finns drink the most coffee per capita in the world, our coffee culture is booming. Finns are more and more interested on the quality than the quantity and the coffee drinking habits are changing. The event is a great opportunity to meet coffee lovers as well as b-to-b coffee professionals.
At the festival it’s possible to test different coffees and coffee equipment as well as learn from the baristas at the stands and coffee labs how to make quality coffee at home. Other programme include panel discussions.
This year we had exhibitors from Latvia, Germany, South Africa and Indonesia and in spring 2019 we will be more international. We will have more intensive workshops and we put an effort on learning more about coffee. This year tea will be taking a bigger part of the festival as a natural companion of coffee. We will have a new micro roastery village for the smallest but very interesting up and coming roasteries.
The filter coffee and espresso of the year will be chosen at the festival as well as the best coffee shop and roastery in Finland. SCA Finland is organizing the official Cup Taster and Latter Art Finnish Championships. We will also award the coffee ifluencer of the year.
The festival atmosphere is created by the hottest DJs, tasty coffee drinks, delicacies and other interesting programme.
Website: http://helsinkicoffeefestival.com/
Event speichern
Datum: 12.04. – 14.04.2019
(vorbei) The London Coffee Festival: 28.03. – 31.03.2019
The London Coffee Festival Returns 28-31 March 2019
Embark on a journey of discovery at The London Coffee Festival, celebrating London’s vibrant coffee scene and its creative subcultures. Rub shoulders with burgeoning start-ups, industry pioneers and long-established companies to a soundtrack of live DJs and musicians. From specialty tastings to industry talks, artisan workshops and showcases from world-class baristas, the party is on.
Now in its ninth year, The London Coffee Festival is Europe’s largest gathering of coffee aficionados, and this year, it’s set to be bigger than ever. Over 250 exhibitors and 30,000 coffee lovers are expected to join the celebration over four days.
From coffee pros to average Joes, there’s something for everyone with a penchant for coffee, food, music and art. Dreaming of pouring the perfect glossy rosetta? Or simply head over heels for milky coffee? Good news: Latte Art Live is back, bringing the world’s top latte art specialists along with it. You’ve seen them on Instagram, and now they are at work right in front of you; expect a series of throw downs, showcases and hands-on workshops. That and a lot of free coffee.
If you want to take a step further and get into the nitty gritty of coffee, there’s plenty of opportunity to learn about the industry, from bean to cup and everything in between. Book into a session at The Lab for an exciting line-up of live interactive demonstrations, workshops, talks and artisan tastings.
Crank up your coffee geek setting one more notch and take your seat for Coffee Masters. Returning for the fifth time, this prestigious competition takes coffee to the highest level. The UK’s top 20 baristas will go head-to-head over four days of competition for the coveted title of Coffee Master and a cheque for £5,000. It’s the ultimate test of skill, innovation and creativity and – let’s face it – a real crowd pleaser.
New this year is the Mindful Coffee Tasting. A brand new multi-sensory experience, festival goers can immerse themselves and appreciate coffee in a new and mindful way – with meditation brought my Just Breathe.
Jeffrey Young, Founder of The London Coffee Festival, says: “It’s been a brilliant year for growth within the coffee industry, with new festivals opening all over the world – most recently in LA. London remains a real centre for innovation though, so it’s fantastic to see it continue to grow.”
The London Festival kicks off UK Coffee Week; a national celebration of the UK coffee scene, founded to give back to the communities that make our love for coffee possible. Both the festival and UK Coffee
Week support Project Waterfall, a charity initiative where 100% of proceeds go towards providing clean
drinking water and sanitation to the world’s coffee growing communities. Last year, over £100,000 was
raised at The London Coffee Festival.
Thursday and Friday sessions are reserved for trade only. On Saturday and Sunday, there are brunch,
lunch, teatime and VIP full day sessions. To purchase or for more information, please visit https://www.londoncoffeefestival.com/Home
Friday: Evening (16:00-20:00)
Saturday: Brunch (10:00-13:00), Lunch (13:00-16:00), Dinner (16:00-19:00)
Sunday: Brunch (10:00-13:00), Lunch (12:00-15:00), Dinner (14:00-17:00)
Standard tickets (Adults): First release – £14.50. Second release – £16.50. On the door – £18.50.
Standard tickets (Children): 13-17-years-old – £5.50. Under 12 – free.
VIP tickets: First release – £38.00. Second release – £42.00. On the door – £65.00.
Weekender VIP: First release – £70.00. Second release – £80.00. On the door – N/A
Website: https://www.londoncoffeefestival.com/Home
Event speichern
Datum: 28.03. – 31.03.2019
(vorbei) Flow Filter Fight: 10.03.2019
Event speichern
Datum: 10.03.2019
(vorbei) The Amsterdam Coffee Festival: 01.03. – 03.03.2019
The Amsterdam Coffee Festival is the place to be for coffee lovers in every sense of the word: baristas, coffee enthusiasts, professionals, coffee bar frequenteurs, experts or just the curious coffee taster,… With more than one hundred stands with coffee related products, a food market, DJ’s, caffeine-fueled cocktails and unlimited tasting opportunities, there is something to suit all tastes.
Mindful Coffee Tasting
Driven by the Mindful Coffee Movement, this brand-new multi-sensory, guided and meditative coffee tasting experience completely shifts the way you consume your cup of coffee. This holistic approach on coffee encourages people to source, brew and consume coffee more mindfully, while minimizing waste, and supporting coffee farming communities. Limited access only, so be quick!
Roast Masters
A first time competition that challenges 30 of the most renowned roasters from around the world in the art of specialty roasting. One month before the event, the roasters will receive 5kg of the same green coffee beans. Up to them to create a unique roasting profile and present it during the competition.
The Roaster’s Village
In partnership with Italian coffee equipment legend La Marzocco, this year’s edition will see the arrival of a new feature – The Roaster’s Village, showcasing the most progressive specialty coffee labels from across The Netherlands.
Latte Art Live
It’s showtime once more, as the world’s top latte art specialists will showcase their skills on the Alpro and Friesche Vlag stage. It’s all about stealing with the eyes, and with some hands-on workshops, you can start practicing your own rosetta or swan pouring.
The True Artisan Café
A rotating coffee shop concept especially designed for you to meet the best Dutch baristas and artisan roasters one-on-one. Different independent cafes will take over La Marzocco’s Linea Mini espresso machines to create a bespoke coffee-based signature drink. Watch, sample and party with some of the country’s top baristas.
Coffee Mixologists
In partnership with coffee liquor Tia Maria, this high-octane showcase celebrates the fusion between the worlds of coffee and cocktails. The Coffee Mixologists stage will be the place to discover how to make jaw-dropping signature coffee cocktails, and learn hands-on tips and hints from the masters.
The Fields
You’ve watched Coffee Mixologists, tasted some of the best seasonal single origin beans, learnt how to pour a latte art heart and bought a Coffee jumper from The Shop. Now it’s time to spoil your ears, with live DJ acts.
From tropical sounds to chilled Balearic beats, The Fields boasts two of our favorite things: gin based coffee-cocktails and party vibes. What’s more, courtesy of Tia Maria, every single ticket holder will be welcomed with a free mini Espresso Martini we hear… enough said! Let’s get the party started.
From demonstrations, to workshops and tasting sessions, The LAB is all about innovation, learning and boundary-pushing talks. Designed to offer visitors an array of interactive experiences, the programme covers everything from ‘How to open a Specialty Coffee Bar’ to ‘Mastering the art of home brewing’.
Dutch Barista Championships
Next to the newly introduced Roast Masters, The Amsterdam Coffee Festival has a strong tradition supporting the Specialty Coffee Association’s NL championships. The Dutch Barista Championship is probably the most prestigious one, but with the Dutch Cup Tasters, Latte Art and Brewers championships, there’s plenty of action to get excited about.
About The Coffee Festival
Introduced in 2011 in London, The Coffee Festival has expanded to Amsterdam, New York, Los Angeles and Milan. And the future looks bright, as The Coffee Festival strives to keep on innovating.
Director Ludovic Rossignol: “The Amsterdam Coffee Festival is a true celebration of coffee and the creative subcultures that surround the coffee scene. As organizers, our role is to elevate coffee standards and help coffee drinkers from all walks of life to develop a deeper appreciation for craft coffee. Bridging the gap between the thriving specialty movement and the traditional Dutch coffee culture; the festival is the place to be to taste the most incredible seasonal coffees available right now, amazing coffee cocktails and to enjoy great live music and good vibes”.
Website: https://www.amsterdamcoffeefestival.com
Event speichern
Datum: 01.03. – 03.03.2019
(vorbei) Warsaw Coffee Festival: 09.02. – 10.02.2019
We would like to present you the biggest Coffee Festival in Poland, an event where we gather dozens of coffee exhibitors and all related products in one place. We want to enable customers to become acquainted with the wide range of our exhibitors, while building their awareness. The fifth edition will take place for the first time in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.
Exhibitors; (coffeehouses, coffee roasters, coffee accessories, complementary products)
– Lectures
– Polish Barista Championships 2019 (Eliminations + Finals)
– Polish Brewers Cup 2019 (Finals)
– Food zone
– Chillout zone
– Kids zone
– Dozens of exhibitors
11:00-12:00 – O kawie z Masłem / Palce Lizać
12:00-13:00 – Yemeni Coffee / Attar Shops
13:00-14:00 – Hayb
14:00-15:00 – Jak się zmienia kawa / Coffee Lab
15:00-16:00 – Starting a business. How does water and water management impact your daily business activities / Everpure x Primulator
16:00-17:00 – przerwa kawowa
17:00-18:00 – Balance between water and coffee for a perfect cup of coffee or tea / Everpure x Primulator
10:00-11:00 – Trends in the Dutch speciality coffee scene . Dutch Barista
11:00-12:00 — Starting a business. How does water and water management impact your daily business activities / Everpure x Primulator
12:00-13:00 – Yemeni Coffee / Attar Shop
13:00-14:00 – Hayb
14:00-15:00 – Balance between water and coffee for a perfect cup of coffee or tea / Everpure x Primulator
15:00-16:00 – Farm to cup / Raf Makes
Past editions:
Last four editions of Warsaw Coffee Festival include thousands of guests, dozens of exhibitors and a coffee smell spread everywhere! If you have not been able to come with us, then we encourage you to watch videos to feel the atmosphere. The fifth edition promises to be even more extensive, because two days and in a new location!
Website: http://warsawcoffee.pl/
Event speichern
Datum: 09.02. – 10.02.2019
(vorbei) Vilnius Coffee Festival: 08.02. – 10.02.2019
Paulig presents Vilnius Coffee Festival and brings to all of us a lot of new and interesting stuff. During the year of 2018 , all of the Paulig employees became SCA certified baristas – and You will be able to experience the role of a barista with their help, preparing Your own coffee, like a real pro. SCA certified baristas will guide You through all the process and tell You about the nuances of coffee making.
Do not miss the opportunity to meet all coffee pros and major players in one place, already in February 8-10!
Festival Program
Friday, 02 08
12:00 – 20:00
Food + Coffee Market, Roasters Village – coffee roasters area, Lectures and open tastings, VCF Espresso bar, VCF VIP Lounge
Official opening of VCF2019
12:35 – 13:30
Latte ArtChampionship – Art Bar competition
14:30 – 19:30
LithuanianCup Tasters championships. Round 1
Scores announcement
Saturday, 02 09
10:00 – 20:00
Food + Coffee Market, Roasters Village – coffee roasters area, Lectures and open tastings, VCF Espresso bar, VCF VIP Lounge
10:30 – 13:30
Lithuanian Latte Art Championship. Round 1
15:00 – 18:30
Lithuanian Barista Championship. Round 1
Scores announcement
Sunday, 02 10
10:00 – 20:00
Food + Coffee Market, Roasters Village- coffee roasters area, Lectures and open tastings, VCF Espresso bar, VCF VIP Lounge
10:00 – 12:30
Lithuanian Latte Art Championship. Finals
13:30 – 16:30
Lithuanian Barista Championship. Finals
17:00 – 19:00
Lithuanian Cup Tasting Championships. Semi finals and finals
Announcement of winners and awards
Official VCF2019 Closing
VCF2019 After Party @ Spiritus Spirit
Vilnius Coffee Festival is dedicated to the blooming coffee culture in Lithuania. In spring of 2018, the festival, originally grown from Coffee Culture Days & Coffee Wee events, has evolved into real festival and moved to a brand new space in New Town- Art Factory LOFTAS.
The first try was just fine! Our team is presenting to You brand new, bigger Vilnius Coffee Festival, which will take place 8-10 February.
Vilnius Coffee Festival is a three-day event, combaining 3 National Championships (Barista, Latte Art, Cup Tasters), innovative coffee technologies, educational space with more than 20 talks, a mini coffeee cinema, best region’s roasters in Roasters Villagee, massive ammounts of interesting coffees, 2 coffee books presentations, coffee gear stands, and fully packed Coffee + Food Market.
(vorbei) Berlin Female Latte Art Throwdown: 08.02. – 09.02.2019
Specialty coffee shop, HOME, (Jonasstrasse 23, 12053 Neukölln) are hosting the first in a new series of events; Female Latte Art Throwdown 2019 (FLAT 2019). The competition takes place on Friday February 8th, and the winner will come away with two hundred euros in prize money. Alongside the latte art competition there is a full programme of events, including a networking evening for coffee lovers, a public cupping and a Q&A with Vertical Coffee Roasters.
Created by the team at HOME, FLAT 2019 is an open coffee event, with an overall aim to bring together female coffee professionals (baristas, trainers, roasters, etc.), the local community and everyone interested in enjoying good coffee in a safe, inclusive environment. The FLAT 2019 event series will provide a friendly networking environment and with a strong focus on female empowerment.
Agnieszka Hornstein, head barista and manager of HOME said, ‘By organising FLAT we will provide a relaxed, safe and bias-free opportunity to female identified coffee professionals to have fun, compete and make new professional and private connections with like-minded people. The coffee industry is a tough and challenging environment for female professionals in terms of being given equal access and career opportunities, and by launching FLAT, we aim to provide a new platform for females in the industry.’
The main part of the event is a 4-round competition in pouring latte art. All rounds will be held using OATLY Oat Drink Barista Edition provided by OATLY, the events main sponsor. The coffee being used in the competition will be supplied by Berlin roastery Kaffee 9 with beans that for various reasons were not good enough to qualify as a quality product, which is a very kind gesture on the side of roasters to share with us – in the spirit of zero waste movement.
Everyone interested in coffee (whether professionally or just curious) who wants to support gender equality in coffee industry is welcome to watch the competition part and join for the after party networking event.
Friday February 8th
Latte Art Competition
Door: 18:00 Competition start: 20.00
Saturday February 9th
Cupping with Vertical Coffee Roasters (CH)
Meet the Roaster #1 – Q&A with Denise Morf and Simone Ernst
18.40 – 19.40
Jonasstrasse 23, 12053 Neukölln, Berlin
For more information, please contact: info@athomeberlin.com
February 8th will also be a launch of HOME Brewing’s newest series of public cuppings, Meet The Roaster where everyone interested will have a chance to join coffee tasting prepared directly by the roasters, with in depth Q&A sessions.
About HOME
Run by couple, Sarah Flanagan and Agnieszka Hornstein, HOME has been serving specialty coffee and brunch in Neukölln since 2016. Both Sarah and Agnieszka have backgrounds in Berlin specialty coffee scene – applying to the everyday professional life standards brought from their former work environments – two of the main specialty coffee Berlin roasteries and specialty coffee shops: The Barn and 19grams known earlier as Tres Cabezas.
Oatly was founded back in the 1990s and is based on Swedish research from Lund University. The company’s patented enzyme technology copies nature’s own process and turns fiber rich oats into nutritional liquid food that is perfectly designed for humans. Today, the Swedish company remains independent and dedicated to upgrading the lives of individuals and the general well being of the planet through a lineup of original oat drinks.
About Vertical Coffee Roasters
Vertical Coffee Roasters was founded by Denise Morf and Simone Ernst and is based near Zürich, Switzerland. Vertical Coffee Roasters aim is to spread coffee education to everyone interested, in a friendly, approachable manner, which perfectly reflects the true spirit of new wave specialty coffee generation, a shared goal to make people feel included and invited to learning more with baristas and roasters.
Website: http://www.athomeberlin.com
Event speichern
Datum: 08.02. – 09.02.2019
(vorbei) The Barista League Helsingborg: 26.01.2019
|The Barista League is back!
Our first stop in 2019 will be… *drum roll, please* … HELSINGBORG!
Join us on January 26th for 3 rounds, no long rule book, no crazy entry fees, 100% inclusive, chaotic coffee brewing and tasting extravaganza. Oh yeah! And don’t forget about that mystery round.
Did we mention that, along with the great prizes that we award to all our competitors, we have a CRAZY first prize for our winners? But more on that later…
We’re proudly sponsored by:
Rancilio Group | Oatly | The Created Co. | BWT water+more | Baratza | Elite Hotel Marina Plaza | Koppi | Urnex Brands | Barista Magazine | IKAWA Coffee | Acaia | Compak Coffee Grinders | Kalita | Clockwork Espresso
Event speichern
Datum: 11.01. – 13.01.2019
(vorbei) World Coffee Roasting Championship: 19.01. – 23.01.2019
Increasing attention was being dedicated to the little coffee bean. For the first time SIGEP (Rimini expo centre 19-23 January) was hosting the World Coffee Roasting Championship, the travelling international competition that rewards coffee roasting excellence. The international trade show of artisan confectionery, organized by Italian Exhibition Group, hosted the top international professionals from a sector that estimates the value of the world commerce of roasted coffee export at over a billion euros. (Source: Comtrade)
The appointment at SIGEP 2019 already had the participation of over twenty countries scheduled (Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and USA) and was officially included in the calendar of World Coffee Events staged in Holland, South Africa, China and Brazil.
The World Coffee Roasting Championship was held in Hall D3, with the contests being staged from Sunday 20th to Wednesday 23rd January. Contestants were judged on the basis of their performance, evaluation of the quality of the green coffee (coffee grading), developing a roasting plan that best highlights the desirable characteristics of that coffee and the last cup of roasted coffee.
In the countries that were participating, selections were currently being held which will be valid for access to the world championship. Competing for Italy was Emanuele Tomassi, the winner at SIGEP 2018. Along with other competitions on the hot beverage, the roasting Championship had already visited Rimini in 2014 on the occasion of the World of Coffee, the international event organized in Europe by SCAE (Speciality Coffee Association of Europe), which is now SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) hosted by the expo centre to highlight coffee culture together.
At the 40th SIGEP, all the finals of all seven Italian barista championships had been confirmed and they selected Italy’s the ambassadors at the World Coffee Events, considered coffee’s international Oscar. At Rimini expo centre, dozens of baristas selected from all over Italy competed for the titles at the Italian Barista Championship (CIBC), Italian Latte Art Championship (CILA), Italian Coffee In Good Spirits Championship (CICS), Italian Brewers Cup Championship, Italian Coffee Roasting Championship (Hall D2), Italian Cup Tasters Championship and the Ibrik Championship.
On Monday 21st January at 5 pm, the South Foyer’s Pasticceria Internazionale area hosted the tenth seminar reserved for coffee and its leading role in pastry shops and gelato parlours, entitled “Innovating tradition: the creative revolution in 3rd millennium venues”. The constructive yearly coverage that, for no less than 10 years, focussed on the concept of intelligent venues, was going into even greater depth: at its core, the new formats in which pastry shops, gelato parlours and cafeterias meet and combine. Market requirements, optimization of products and resources, increasing quality and knowledge were just a few of the topics covered by expert speakers, such as Leonardo di Carlo (pastry concept), Stefano Martin (export manager, Diemme), Nicola Fabbri (MD, Fabbri 1905), Anita Lissona (administrator, Lead Communication). The event will be moderated by Livia Chiriotti (editor, Pasticceria Internazionale) and Gianluca Gracci (marketing and communication manager, Diemme). There was no lack of the traditional guided tasting sessions, thanks to pastry chef Gian Luca Forino and Diemme coffee specialist Pierpaolo Menueguolo.
Coffee with a taste of… innovation. A sensory island, where gusto and narration specialists held training seminars dedicated to the coffee bar of the future with excellent products to taste. Experience is the best school at Sensory Academy – The bar of the future, the area with the patronage of the Narratori del Gusto association and the Conferenza delle Accademie (South Foyer), in which expert narrators held micro-seminars and amusing activities based on perception. Visitors were invited to come into the “Bar of the future” where perception will be stimulated in a unique enthralling manner by intriguing coffee, excellent chocolate, famous spirits, special biscuits and a tasting counter à la Stratus Tasting on espresso coffee styles.
Barista & Farmer, the only talent show entirely dedicated to the world of excellent coffee, was presented in February in Melbourne, in Amsterdam in June and Belo Horizonte in November. SIGEP 2019 hosted the presentation of the documentary film of the IV edition of Barista & Farmer, held in June in Colombia.
Coffee & cocoa growing regions was the name of the project that SIGEP was organizing along with IILA (Italo Latin-American Institute), the international organization made up of the Governments of Italy and Latin-American countries, formed for the promotion of excellent coffee and chocolate. The key players of the project included the Italian Coffee Committee-Coffee Promotion Consortium, CEFA (the seed of solidarity) and the Specialty Coffee Association.
An all-round operation: from the development and coordination of a research on the problems and prospects of member countries, to the realization of concrete exchange possibilities, reciprocal assistance and joint action. Delegations from Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras will be at the Rimini expo centre with a special exhibition area (Coffee Growing Regions’ Area), in Hall D1. A tasting and cupping program was scheduled in collaboration with the Italian Coffee Committee (AIPA group) and Ucimac (espresso coffee machine manufacturers association).
A second area, Cacao and chocolate 2.0. Productive quality and sensory quality, was in Hall B3, where IILA hosted representatives of Ecuador, El Salvador, Venezuela, Honduras and organized in collaboration with the International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao tasting guided cacao tasting sessions.
On Tuesday 22nd, the South Foyer will host two events. In the morning (10 am – 1:00 pm) there was a meeting entitled “Coffee and cocoa growing regions: the Italo-LatinAmerican product chain” with governmental and diplomatic representatives of the countries involved in the project with the Italian coffee sector’s associations. Participants were welcomed initially by the Rt. Hon. Paolo De Castro (Vice Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament), moderator was José Luis Rhi-Sausi, (Socio-economical Secretary, IILA). For the coffee product chain speakers were Maurizio Giuli (President, UCIMAC), Gloria Isabel Ramírez Ríos (Colombian Ambassdress), Sandra Elizabeth Alas (El Salvador Ambassadress), Maria Eugenia Alvarez (Consul General of Guatemala), Giselle Canahuati (Consul General of Honduras); for the cacao product chain, participants were Paolo Blasi (University of Camerino), José Luis Rhi-Sausi (IILA) and Jorge Eliecer Pazmiño Perez (Director of Agricultural Product Chains, Ecuador Ministry for Agriculture).
The event was enriched by tasting sessions of coffee and tiramisu’ prepared by the Italian Latte Art Champion, Matteo Beluffi, along with his brother, Master Pastry Chef Dario Beluffi, made with espresso coffee made from beans from Central American countries, as well as chocolate tasting sessions organized by the International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao tasting.
In the afternoon, (from 2:00 pm) a meeting entitled “The European supremacy of Modica chocolate“, during which the Consorzio di Modica met trade members during a meeting and tasting session of the exquisite Chocolate of Modica PGI. Exponents of the Sicilian administration, trade members and associations were awaited and, at the end, were able to taste the product prepared by Master Chocolatiers of the Consorzio.
Website: https://en.sigep.it/events/program/event-program
(vorbei) Vienna Coffee Festival: 11.01. – 13.01.2019
Die unvergleichliche Auszeichnung „World’s coolest coffee event“ ist neben dem exzellenten Angebot rund um Kaffee & Co., Musik und gutem Essen wie Trinken, der einzigartigen Atmosphäre geschuldet. Eine faszinierende Entdeckungsreise durch die Welt des Kaffees für jung und alt.
Informieren, degustieren und selbst probieren.
Von edlen Rohkaffee-Spezialitäten über die Verfahren zur Kaffeeröstung bis hin zu Maschinen, Mühlen und Zubehör zeigen Produzenten und Händler die Vielfalt für feinste Kaffeespezialitäten. Profi-Baristi bereiten Espresso, Filterkaffee oder Cold Brew mit verschiedensten Methoden zu und beeindrucken mit kreativer Latte-Art. Besucher können sich über Siebträger, Vollautomaten, Aeropress oder Pour-Over-Methoden informieren.
Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung, von der alle profitieren, stehen dabei genauso im Fokus, wie auch Neuentwicklungen, Präzision und das sensorische Qualitätsbewusstsein für Kaffee, Wasser und Milch.
Neben zahlreichen Röstern sind auch Rohkaffeehändler mit ihren edlen Kaffeespezialitäten aus den besten Regionen der Welt vertreten. Die Wiener Barcommunity shaked originelle Cocktail-Kreationen mit Kaffee. Und natürlich bietet das Vienna Coffee Festival auch Gelegenheit, alles für den Kaffeegenuss zuhause zu erwerben – von der exquisiten Kaffeeröstung über vielfältige Accessoires bis hin zur idealen Kaffeemaschine präsentiert der Festivalshop auch Designer mit ihren wundervollen Kreationen.
Workshops und Unterhaltung
In Verkostungen, Workshops und Vorträgen geben Experten an allen drei Tagen ihr Wissen über Kaffee, Maschine, Ausbildungen und wertvolle Tipps in der Zubereitung an das Publikum weiter.
Premiere feiert die „VCF-Masterclass“ in Theorie und Praxis mit dem US-Amerikaner Rob Hoos, einem der interessantesten Kaffee-Experten, Buchautor und Röster aus Portland, Oregon. Vom Anbau, der Ernte und der Verarbeitung in der Kaffeeplantage über die Bedeutung von Single Origins und deren Terroir und Sortentypizität. Der Einführung ins Cupping und Bewertung von Rohkaffee, bis hin zum Prozess des Probe- und Profil-Röstens zur Bestimmung des individuellen Charakters des Kaffees. In fünf Modulen á 3 Stunden ist alles dabei, um die eigene Kaffeekompetenz zu verbessern. Holy shit, it’s coffee!
Umfassende Einblicke in Ausbildung und Training geben die Barista-Trainer der Mumac Academy aus Mailand, London und Krems.
Als „VCF-Ehrengast“ wir der neue World Barista Champion 2018 Agnieska Rojewska aus Polen das Festival mit einem Impulsvortrag eröffnen und in der Mumac Academy ihr Können dem Publikum zeigen.
Die besten österreichischen Baristi duellieren sich auf den Wettkampfbühnen um die vier Staatsmeistertitel: Barista, Latte Art, Brewers Cup und Cup Tasting.
Am 11. und 12. Jänner wird am Gerstenboden der Brauerei abends ab 20 Uhr bei Live-Musik gefeiert, getanzt und das persönliche Netzwerk erweitert.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1116774271822201
Event speichern
Datum: 11.01. – 13.01.2019