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Messen & Events 2018

Wir listen alle Kaffee-Events, Kaffeemessen, Kaffeeveranstaltungen und Treffen in unserem CafCaf Kaffeekalender auf.

Klicke auf das jeweilige Event für weitere Informationen.
(vorbei) COLOGNE COFFEE FORUM: 28. – 31. Januar 2018

Kaffee & Co. treffen auf Schokolade und Gebäck – ein wunderbares Geschmackserlebnis!

Das Cologne Coffee Forum findet innerhalb der ISM – die weltweit größte Messe für Süßwaren und Snacks – statt. Röster, Kaffee-/Teehändler, Importeur oder Betreiber eines Teehandelshauses treffen auf Fachbesucher aus den Bereichen Café, Bäckerei, Konditorei/Confiserie, Süßwarenfachgeschäft und weitere interessante Zielgruppen. Damit ist die Halle 5.2 der Treffpunkt für die 38.500 ISM-Fachbesucher, die ihre Kunden mit köstlichen Heißgetränke-Spezialitäten verwöhnen möchten. Das speziell zugeschnittene Rahmenprogramm mit Coffee-Pairing-Workshops, Espresso-Seminaren, Best Practice-Seminaren und Vorträgen rundet das Geschmackserlebnis perfekt ab. Text: Cologne Coffee Forum

ISM, Cologne Coffee Forum




Köln Messe
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln


Nächster Termin

28.-31. Januar 2018


Täglich: 09:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr



Dauerkarte: 68,00 EUR
3-Tage-Karte: 62,00 EUR
2-Tage-Karte: 52,00 EUR
Tageskarte: 33,00 EUR

Dauerkarte: 84,00 EUR
3-Tage-Karte: 78,00 EUR
2-Tage-Karte: 69,00 EUR
Tageskarte: 51,00 EUR

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(vorbei) INTERGASTRA: 03. – 07. Februar 2018

Die INTERGASTRA ist eine der wichtigsten internationalen Fachmessen in Europa für die Branchen Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Die Veranstaltung präsentiert sich auf 100.000 m² Fläche in allen Hallen der Messe Stuttgart und ist mit rund 1.300 Aussteller größter Branchentreffpunkt in Deutschland. Alle zwei Jahre informieren sich knapp 90.000 Fachbesucher zu den Schwerpunkten Food/Küche, Ausstattung/Ambiente, Getränke, Hotel, Kaffee sowie Speiseeis. Der Pflichttermin für Gastgeber bietet Neuheiten, viele Möglichkeiten zum fachlichen Austausch und ermöglicht den Blick über den Tellerrand.




Messe Stuttgart


Nächster Termin

03.–07. Februar 2018


noch nicht bekannt



Werden demnächst bekannt gegeben.

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In den letzten Jahren gab es einen Sonderbereich – den Stuttgart Coffee Summit. Diese Sonderfläche bringt internationale Kaffee-Anbauer, Röster und Spezialisten aus der ganzen Welt mit Experten und Gastronomen zusammen und ist auch für 2018 wieder vorgesehen.


The Barista League, Ally Coffee and Barista Magazine are back in 2018 bringing you the most exciting party during the World of Coffee in Amsterdam.Escape the harsh, artificial lights and airless conference rooms and come party with us at the gorgeous space at CT Coffee & Coconuts.

Entry is free – and for those lucky enough to get one of our Midsummer Party wristbands there might even be some drinks for you.  Make sure you find us or any of our partners at the World of Coffee and grab a wristband off us.

The barista league: Midsummer Party Logo




CT Coffee & Coconuts
Ceintuurbaan 282-284


Nächster Termin

22. Juni 2018


19:00 – 01:00


The barista league: Midsummer Party Logo



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There is no use hiding that we are all coffee competition nerds, so for this event we thought we would do a special ‚royalty of competition‘ competition.  So we have rounded up some of the most decorated, experienced and fun people we could. But this time, there will be no months of preparation, no expensive suits, just 3 rounds of Barista League style competition chaos!  

The competition
Our five star studded teams will compete in 3 rounds of challenges designed to test their mastery of all things coffee.  There will be pouring, there will be brewing, the will be talking.  Oh and they will be handcuffed together the whole time…

Text: The Barista League

(vorbei) WORLD OF COFFEE AMSTERDAM: 21. – 23. Juni 2018

Europe’s fastest-growing coffee show!
Travelling to a different European city each June, World of Coffee is the essential event for coffee professionals – drawing a loyal audience from the global specialty coffee community, more than 80% of whom return year-on-year. Brought to you by the SCA, the event has more than doubled in size and stature over the last five years, growing from 3,000 visitors and 45 exhibitors to 6,800 visitors and 240 exhibitors in just 5 years.

Text: World of coffee Amsterdam



RAI Amsterdam
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Nächster Termin

21. – 23. Juni 2018


keine Angaben



keine Angaben

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The backbone of World of Coffee is the dynamic 5000 sq.m. exhibition featuring over 250 of the world’s leading coffee and Horeca industry suppliers. But Europe’s top coffee event is more than a trade show, it is festival of innovation and learning comprising of:

  • World Barista Championships
  • The SCA’s cutting-edge lecture series
  • Two busy cupping rooms
  • A week-long social programme of parties and networking events
  • The ever-popular Roasters’ Village
  • The Sustainability Forum
  • The SCA Guilds Area
  • The highly competitive World of Coffee New Product of the Show Awards
  • The SCA Shop

Text: World of Coffee Amsterdam

(vorbei) BERLIN COFFEE FESTIVAL: 31. August – 3. September 2018

In den letzten Jahren hat sich in Berlin eine vor Neugier und Begeisterung überschäumende Kaffeeszene entwickelt: Cafés, die lustvoll mit der Bohne experimentieren und Röstereien, die sich intensiv mit der Herkunft ihres Kaffees beschäftigen und diese Aromenvielfalt und Geschmacksunterschiede hervor-, nicht hinwegrösten.

Das vierte Berlin Coffee Festival möchte zurück an den Ursprung. In den Wald, zum Kaffeebaum, zur Farm und zu denen, die ihm zum Wachsen verhelfen. Was bedeutet der Anbau für die Bauern? Können sie davon leben? Wie schmeckt der Kaffee aus Ruanda oder El Salvador?

Dieser Markt lädt also dazu ein, die Menschen hinter der Tasse kennenzulernen. Von den Bauern und Bäuerinnen über den Importeur zur Rösterin. Vom Barista zur Aktivistin. Das Berlin Coffee Festival ist eine Plattform für die junge und progressive Kaffeewelt, der es sehr – vor allem aber um mehr als – den Geschmack geht.

Vier Tage lang können Besucher schmecken, rösten, nachfragen, brühen und schäumen! Am Freitag und Samstag überall in Berlin und am Sonntag und Montag in der Markthalle Neun. 

Text: Berlin Coffee Festival

CafCaf Kaffeeblog: Berlin Coffee Festival 2018


Markthalle 9
Eisenbahnstr. 42/42
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Nächster Termin

31. August – 03. September 2018


keine Angaben



5€ / Early Bird Ticket mit Specials 15€ (limitiert)

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Freitag, 31. August + Samstag, 1. September 
Satelliten Programm in ganz Berlin 
Wo kommt unser Kaffee eigentlich her? Und woran erkennt man, ob er gut ist? Wie röstet und brüht man ihn? Im Rahmen des Satellitenprogramms können Interessierte die unterschiedlichsten Kaffee-Orte Berlins besuchen und tief in das Thema eintauchen. Egal ob Kaffeekönner oder Gerntrinker – das ganze Wochenende stößt man mit allen Kaffeefragen auf offene Türen, offene Ohren und Arme. Bei Workshops, Vorträgen und Events organisiert von der Berliner Kaffeewelt!

Sonntag, 2. September, 11-18 Uhr 
Großer Kaffeemarkt in der Markthalle Neun 
Am Sonntag auf dem großen Kaffeemarkt können Besucher diejenigen kennenlernen, die die Berliner Kaffeeszene in den letzten Jahren so lebendig haben werden lassen. Aber nicht nur in Berlin, überall in Deutschland und Europa arbeiten junge Röstereien daran, die Beziehung zwischen den Kaffeebauern und -trinkern zu vertiefen, den Handel neu zu denken – sie alle kommen an diesem Sonntag zusammen. Besucher können sich hier durch die Bohnen von mehr als dreißig Ausstellern probieren.
Montag, 3. September, 11-18 Uhr
Profi Tag in der Markthalle Neun
Am Profi-Tag kommen sich all jene näher, die ihre Leidenschaft für guten Kaffee zum Beruf gemacht haben. Über den ganzen Tag hinweg werden Importeure und Röstereien in Cuppings und Gesprächen sowohl ihren Kaffee als ihr Wissen zum Besten geben. Und weil auch der purste Kaffeegeschmack auf viele Arten zubereitet werden kann, widmet sich das Festival auch den technischen Details. Der Montag ist eine  Plattform für alle, die nicht nur Teil einer neuen Kaffeebewegung sein, sondern sie auch mitgestalten wollen — ein Tag zum sich Auszutauschen und Fortbilden.

Text: Berlin Coffee Festival

(vorbei) GERMAN AEROPRESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2018: 1. September 2018

German AeroPress Championship 2018 – Deutsche Aeropress Meisterschaft 2018:

Compete for glory and a flight to Sydney on November 16th & 17th to represent Germany in the World Finals! The competition is taking place at the Five Elephant Roastery, Glogauerstr. 5 in Berlin on Saturday the 1st of September during the @berlincoffeefestival.

Sign up here!

Text: AeroPress Championship 2018

CafCaf-Kaffee Event: Deutsche Aeropress Meisterschaft 2018, German Aeropress Championship 2018


Five Elephant Roastery
Glogauerstr. 5
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Nächster Termin

01. September 2018


(vorbei) SWISS COFFEE CONNECTION: 29. – 30. September 2018

The Swiss Coffee Connection invites you to the first ever coffee festival in Lausanne.

Open to everyone, this annual event aims to bring together coffee lovers and coffee professionals: artisans, roasters, machine builders, baristas and artists-creators, where you will discover or re-discover the craftwork of these local independents.Here you will be able to appreciate the third wave coffee, coffee as an art.

The nature of coffee will be revealed in all its diversity, aromas, production and various extraction methods. On programme, booth, workshops, tastings, mobile-coffee, demonstrations.

Swiss Coffee Connection is the place to exchange, question, discover and experience new flavours. Come enjoy the wide range of special coffee, from the artisan to the cup.

Text: Swiss Coffee Connection

Swiss Coffee Connection. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




Avenue de Sévelin 5
21004 Lausanne – CH


Nächster Termin

29. – 30. September 2018


9 – 18 Uhr (29. September) bzw. 9 – 19 Uhr (30. September)


Swiss Coffee Connection. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


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20. September
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
2018 Aeropress Swiss Championchip starts at 16h00 at the Base bar
Closing 19h00

After Party at the Base bar

30. September
Opening 9h00
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
Closing 18h00

Text: Swiss Coffee Connection

(vorbei) ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL 2018: 29. September – 01. Oktober 2018

Between September 29 and October 1, 2018, Technopolis-Gazi in Athens, Greece will be filled, once again, with the unique aromas of coffee as well as thousands of visitors –from coffee professionals to coffee aficionados– consolidating its reputation as the premier event for the sector.

For the third consecutive year, the Athens Coffee Festival will promote the culture of coffee consumption. The premier coffee event in Greece will take place between September 29 and October 1, 2018 at Technopolis-Gazi in Athens and is expected to welcome more than 40,000 visitors!

All the latest trends, all brand new products that will dominate the domestic and international coffee scene, the most modern equipment, specialty coffees, and innovations will be showcased at the stands of the approximately 100 festival exhibitors. In addition, professionals will have the chance to take advantage of expert advice by tailoring everything to the needs of their own business.

For yet another year, the Athens Coffee Festival will be at the core of the positive developments in the profitable coffee market, with professionals, coffee experts and coffee lovers sharing views and experiences, and raising even higher the bar for the industry.

Text: Athens Coffee Festival 2018

Athens Coffee Festival 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




Technopolis in Gazi


Nächster Termin

29. September – 01. Oktober 2018


10–22 Uhr, Montag 12–22 Uhr


Athens Coffee Festival 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


5 Euro pro Tag

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A plethora of special events
Athens Coffee Festival will host daily, in specially-designed halls, a series of targeted seminars for coffee professionals (THE LAB), as well as intriguing discussions for coffee lovers (CHATROOM), with leading professionals from Greece and abroad. In addition, the Festival’s main stage will welcome popular radio producers and DJs, as well as bands that will perform live, exclusively for festival visitors.

Under the auspices of SCA Greece
The ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL is organized by FORUM SA, the leading exhibition and trade publications company in Greece (HORECA, FOOD EXPO, XENIA, ARTOZA) and is held under the auspices of SCA Greece, the Greek chapter of the International Specialty Coffee Organization. The major sponsor of the festival is Barista’s Gold and the Official Media Partner, the trade magazine, Snack & Coffee.

Useful information
ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL will welcome coffee lovers from 10.00 in the morning until 10.00 in the evening during the weekend and from 12.00 in the afternoon until 10.00 in the evening on Monday. Entrance to the festival requires a daily ticket of €5 issued from the ticket offices at the Technopolis entrance on Iakchou Street, 50 meters from Kerameikos Metro station.

Text: Athens Coffee Festival 2018

(vorbei) TYDEN KAVY COFFEE WEEK 2018: 01. – 07. Oktober 2018

Cuppings, baristshows, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, and many other coffee-tasting experiences await you during the 8th annual Coffee week festival! The Coffee week 2018 will connect cafes, roasters and coffee suppliers all over the Czech Republic and you can enjoy not only the unusual program in the participated cafes, but also great competitions! The International Coffee Day is celebrated in a traditional week from October 1st to October 7th.

Text: Tyden Kavy Coffee Week

Tyden Kavy Coffee Week 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




ganztägig in ganz Tschechien


Nächster Termin

01. – 07. Oktober 2018


ganztägig in ganz Tschechien



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(vorbei) LJUBLJANA COFFEE FESTIVAL 2018: 5. – 6. Oktober 2018

Ljubljana Coffee Festival is a celebration of growing Specialty Coffee scene in Slovenia and a gift to our capital.

Ljubljana is often described by many travellers as the hidden pearl of Europe. Both its residents and numerous visitors perceive Ljubljana as a city built on a human scale. Despite the fact that it ranks among the mid-sized European cities, it has preserved its small-town friendliness and, at the same time, it has everything that all the larger capitals have.

Almost everything. It doesn’t have coffee festival.

Ljubljana Coffee Festival places Ljubljana on the map alongside the best Specialty Coffee capitals and festivals. Festival is an important cornerstone of the new trend in the coffee industry in Slovenia and is addressed as much to coffee industry or gastronomy professionals, coffee shops owners as to locals and coffee lovers.

Text: Ljubljana Coffee Festival 2018

Ljubljana Coffee Festial 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




Mestni muzej Ljubljana
Gosposka ulica 15
1000 Ljubljana


Nächster Termin

05. – 06. Oktober 2018


5. Oktober @ 10:00 am6. Oktober @ 7:00 pm



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Festivals are really important for creating a coffee community in a city and are meant for sharing knowledge about coffee and presenting novelties in the industry. Therefore we are preparing excellent professional program for lectures in The Lab lecture room, where we will host many well-known-to-industry foreign and local coffee professionals, baristas and roasters.  Taste the world best coffees, meet importers and let them take you on a journey of taste discovery and origins; or expand your knowledge with workshops guided by coffee professionals in Sensory Cupping Table room.

La Marzocco The True Artisan Café is an original “pop-up” rotating roaster coffee shop concept that La Marzocco established for events and trade shows to celebrate local, independent coffee communities. True Artisan Cafe is bringing you coffees of many world known coffee roasters.

Two competitions will also happen, 2nd edition of Latte Art Throwdown and 3rd international multidisciplinary barista tournament Barista Battle Challenge.

During all the program local and foreign coffee roasters will brew their coffee for you to taste, or you could grab some of the best street food in Ljubljana and local beer or cocktails.

Text: Ljubljana Coffee Festival 2018

(vorbei) COTECA: 10. – 12. Oktober 2018

Die COTECA ist Europas wichtigste Fachmesse für Kaffee, Tee und Kakao, die alle drei Branchen zu einem hochkarätigen Business-Treff vereint. Mit zahlreichen Ausstellern und Branchenkennern aus aller Welt ist sie die ideale Plattform, um Neuheiten zu präsentieren, Kontakte zu knüpfen und sich über aktuelle Trends und Markttendenzen zu informieren. 2018 findet der Kaffee Campus der Deutschen Röstergilde e.V. wieder gemeinsam mit der COTECA in Hamburg statt. Begleitet wird die Veranstaltung von einer Fachkonferenz sowie einem spannenden Rahmenprogramm mit Workshops, Vorträgen und vielen weiteren praxisnahen Veranstaltungen. Text: COTECA




Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
Halle A4
Messeplatz 1
20357 Hamburg


Nächster Termin

10. – 12. Oktober 2018


Täglich: 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr



Informationen zu Tickets und Vorverkauf für die COTECA und den Kaffee Kampus 2018 finden Sie hier rechtzeitig vor Messebeginn. 

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Auf der COTECA steht der gesamte Verarbeitungsprozess im Mittelpunkt: von der Ernte bis hin zum Endprodukt als Genussmittel – inklusive der dafür notwendigen Technologien und Dienstleistungen. Die COTECA ist somit die perfekte Handelsplattform für Ihr internationales Business. Hier treffen namhafte Aussteller auf ein hoch qualifiziertes Fachpublikum, von dem die meisten Teilnehmer einen entscheidenden Einfluss in ihrem Unternehmen haben.

(vorbei) COFFEE ROASTERS GUILD CAMP 2018: 10. – 13. Oktober 2018

CRG Camp will be making its way to Portugal from the 10 – 13 October and will feature three days of diverse workshops, inspiring seminars, hands-on roasting experience and challenges aimed at connecting and developing roasters from across Europe.

Text: Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018

Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




Évora Hotel
Avenida Túlio Espanca
Apart. 93Évora, Portugal


Nächster Termin

10. – 13. Oktober 2018


10. Oktober @ 8:00 am – 13. Oktober @ 5:00 pm



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Make sure to add the discount code ‘GUILDSCA‘ to receive the 100 EURO member discount or add the discount code ‘SCA‘ to receive the 50 EURO discount!
In order to receive the membership discount, enter the discount code below, supply the attendee’s SCA number in the questions, and the discount will be granted in these cases:

€100 discount if the attendee has a personal membership (in his/her own name) in the Roaster category (this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket)
€100 discount if the attendee is registered as a Coffee Roasters Guild member under a Company membership (this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket)
€50 discount if the attendee is registered as an Individual Professional SCA member, is registered as a company representative, or are members in other categories (Technician or Barista) – this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket

Text: Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018


IBCF is back to Espacio88 in October 11th, 12th and 13th with more cuppings, more talks, more workshops, more professional networking and, of course, with more coffee.

Text: IBCF – Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival

IBCF, independend-barcelona-coffee-festial




Espacio 88
Poblenou neighborhood


Nächster Termin

11. – 13. Oktober 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt


Kaffee-Events, Festival und Kalender: IBCF, Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival 2018. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


Freier Eintritt am Freitag,
Weiteres derzeit nicht bekannt

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Donnerstag & Freitag: Pro days
Samstag: Frei für alle Besucher

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In its third consecutive edition and after having +6.000 attendees in 2017 , IBCF keeps the objective of approaching specialty coffee to the coffee consumers  that are not familiar with it yet. Also, for the first time ever, the event will have two whole days aimed at the professionals of the industry: roasters, importers, coffee shop owners, baristas and all the actors involved in the specialty coffee chain value.

Among the confirmations that will make this IBCF edition a major event this Autumn, we have top level names like Klaus Thomsen, owner of Coffee Collective  and world champion barista in 2006, that will fly from Copenhagen to talk about direct trade, the procedure for which is known the Danish business. On these first class confirmations, we will also have Morgan Love, owner of Silo Coffee  – the well-known coffee shop and brunch restaurant – and Krésten Thøgersen, the former barista in the popular Melbourne coffee shop Proud Mary and current owner of Father Carpenter Coffee. They will fly from Berlin to talk about many topics, including their new joint coffee roasting project Fjord Coffee Roasters.

Also, this edition will have espresso and brew bars, some of the best local food projects and a whole day for enthusiastic or curious people that want to try and experience the fascinating world of specialty coffee.

Thursday 11, Friday 12 and Saturday 13 of October

Text: IBCF – Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival

(vorbei) PRAGUE COFFEE FESTIVAL: 20. – 21. Oktober 2018

The first ever Prague Coffee Festival took place in 2012. This fall it will celebrate for the seventh time all that is new and exciting on the coffee scene. Prague Coffee Festival came into existence with the idea of promoting coffee culture and getting-together everyone who is keen on coffee: proffesional baristas, coffeeshop owners, coffee “beginners” and also people who are knowledgeable but want to learn more and more about it. Recently a lot of attention has been paid to coffee, particularly to specialty coffee and to new brewing techniques which has even become popular among the general public. This fact was positively reflected in greater turnout of the first two years of our festival. The Festival weekend is filled with tastings, coffeeshop and roastery presentations, workshops, lectures and music programme. The invited guests from abroad will be prepared to share their rich experience during lectures and discussions.

Prague Coffee Festival is organized by NGO Coffee Embassy whose main goal is to promote coffee culture and introduce the topics referring to coffee, its growers,processors and new methods in the industry to the general public.

Text: Prague Coffee Festival

Prague Coffee Festival. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog




Pražská tržnice – Prague market
Bubenské nábřeží 306/13
Praha – Holešovice
170 04 Czech Republic


Nächster Termin

20. – 21. Oktober 2018


October 20 @ 10:00 am – October 21 @ 6:00 pm



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(vorbei) TRIEST ESPRESSO EXPO: 25. – 27. Oktober 2018

Between the 25th and the 27th of October 2018, the city of Trieste will host the 9th edition of TriestEspresso Expo. The event brings together all aspects of the espresso coffee industry under one roof in an exhibition designed for international coffee industry professionals. TriestEspresso Expo is the Number 1 biennial B2B exhibition in the theme of the espresso coffee trade industry. Text:

Logo Triestespresso EXPO




Triest, Italy


Nächster Termin

25. – 27. Oktober 2018


Täglich: 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr



Werden demnächst bekannt gegeben.

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Green coffee: green coffee origins that aim to expand in the espresso market, green coffee exporters, traders and importers that are looking for a brighter future

Processing: Roasters small and large seeking new clients, coffee roasting and processing equipment manufactures, Espresso machine and spare parts manufactures and suppliers, Manufactures of all other kind of coffee brewing equipment, Manufactures of grinders, supplies of packing machines and labelling systems

Accessories: Tableware suppliers and manufactures of cups, coffee service items in all materials

Services: Logistics providers, coffee IT providers, forwarding agents, banks, insurance companies, shipping agents, Associations, Trade Press


(vorbei) THE MILAN COFFEE FESTIVAL: 30. November – 02. Dezember 2018

It’s homecoming for The Coffee Festival as it hits Milan this November. Allegra Events, the team behind the London, Amsterdam and New York Coffee Festivals is pleased to announce The Milan Coffee Festival, taking place from 30 Nov to 02 Dec 2018.

Text: IBCF – The Milan Coffee Festival

CafCaf-Kaffee Event: The Milan Coffee Festival 2018




Spazio Pelota, Milan



Nächster Termin

30. November – 02. Dezember 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt


CafCaf-Kaffee Event: The Milan Coffee Festival 2018


Standard Tickets from €12.00 (Until October 01, then €15.00) (€18.00 on the day)

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Join us and more than 6,000 coffee lovers to celebrate the community and culture behind the vibrant Italian coffee scene at the stunning Spazio Pelota.

Taste an exceptional selection of coffees, partake in interactive masterclasses and enjoy the evening aperitivo sessions at this unique, immersive showcase of the new era of Italian specialty coffee.

Witness the Milan debut of some firm festival favourites; meet the artisans at La Marzocco’s True Artisan Café and boost your coffee knowledge in The Lab. Plus, experience the launch of brand new event features, including the first ever CMx™ (the first ever regional Coffee Masters challenge).

Curated to cater to coffee lovers of all levels, from beginner, to industry leader, this is a coffee calendar must.

Text: The Milan Coffee Festival

(vorbei) CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy: 30. November – 02. Dezember 2018

The CM™ – Italy is a new, fast-paced, multi-discipline national barista tournament which will be launched at the first ever Milan Coffee Festival, from 30 November to 2 December 2018.

Text: CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy

CafCaf-Kaffeeblog_Events_CMx™ - Coffee Masters - Italy




Spazio Pelota, Milan



Nächster Termin

30. November – 02. Dezember 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt


CafCaf-Kaffeeblog_Events_CMx™ - Coffee Masters - Italy


Standard Tickets from €12.00 (Until October 01, then €15.00) (€18.00 on the day)

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Cut from the same cloth as the global Coffee Masters competition, CMx™ – Italy will see 16 of the best baristas in Italy go head-to-head for the grand title, €1,000 cash, and automatic qualification for a coveted spot in Coffee Masters – London 2019. Over three days of knockout competition, the competitors must impress a panel of renowned judges, showcasing world-class skill, knowledge, talent and showmanship. This is a high octane, highly skilled, entertaining contest that tests baristas in every discipline, from cupping, to latte art and efficiency.

Text: CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy

Klicke auf das jeweilige Event für weitere Informationen.
(vorbei) COLOGNE COFFEE FORUM: 28. – 31. Januar 2018

Kaffee & Co. treffen auf Schokolade und Gebäck – ein wunderbares Geschmackserlebnis!

Das Cologne Coffee Forum findet innerhalb der ISM – die weltweit größte Messe für Süßwaren und Snacks – statt. Röster, Kaffee-/Teehändler, Importeur oder Betreiber eines Teehandelshauses treffen auf Fachbesucher aus den Bereichen Café, Bäckerei, Konditorei/Confiserie, Süßwarenfachgeschäft und weitere interessante Zielgruppen. Damit ist die Halle 5.2 der Treffpunkt für die 38.500 ISM-Fachbesucher, die ihre Kunden mit köstlichen Heißgetränke-Spezialitäten verwöhnen möchten. Das speziell zugeschnittene Rahmenprogramm mit Coffee-Pairing-Workshops, Espresso-Seminaren, Best Practice-Seminaren und Vorträgen rundet das Geschmackserlebnis perfekt ab. Text: Cologne Coffee Forum

ISM, Cologne Coffee Forum



Köln Messe
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln


Nächster Termin

28.-31. Januar 2018


Täglich: 09:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr




Dauerkarte: 68,00 EUR
3-Tage-Karte: 62,00 EUR
2-Tage-Karte: 52,00 EUR
Tageskarte: 33,00 EUR


Dauerkarte: 84,00 EUR
3-Tage-Karte: 78,00 EUR
2-Tage-Karte: 69,00 EUR
Tageskarte: 51,00 EUR

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(vorbei) INTERGASTRA: 03. – 07. Februar 2018

Die INTERGASTRA ist eine der wichtigsten internationalen Fachmessen in Europa für die Branchen Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Die Veranstaltung präsentiert sich auf 100.000 m² Fläche in allen Hallen der Messe Stuttgart und ist mit rund 1.300 Aussteller größter Branchentreffpunkt in Deutschland. Alle zwei Jahre informieren sich knapp 90.000 Fachbesucher zu den Schwerpunkten Food/Küche, Ausstattung/Ambiente, Getränke, Hotel, Kaffee sowie Speiseeis. Der Pflichttermin für Gastgeber bietet Neuheiten, viele Möglichkeiten zum fachlichen Austausch und ermöglicht den Blick über den Tellerrand.



Messe Stuttgart


Nächster Termin

03.–07. Februar 2018


noch nicht bekannt


Werden demnächst bekannt gegeben.

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In den letzten Jahren gab es einen Sonderbereich – den Stuttgart Coffee Summit. Diese Sonderfläche bringt internationale Kaffee-Anbauer, Röster und Spezialisten aus der ganzen Welt mit Experten und Gastronomen zusammen und ist auch für 2018 wieder vorgesehen.


The Barista League, Ally Coffee and Barista Magazine are back in 2018 bringing you the most exciting party during the World of Coffee in Amsterdam.Escape the harsh, artificial lights and airless conference rooms and come party with us at the gorgeous space at CT Coffee & Coconuts.

Entry is free – and for those lucky enough to get one of our Midsummer Party wristbands there might even be some drinks for you.  Make sure you find us or any of our partners at the World of Coffee and grab a wristband off us.

The barista league: Midsummer Party Logo



CT Coffee & Coconuts
Ceintuurbaan 282-284

Nächster Termin

22. Juni 2018


19:00 – 01:00

The barista league: Midsummer Party Logo



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jedes Jahr
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There is no use hiding that we are all coffee competition nerds, so for this event we thought we would do a special ‚royalty of competition‘ competition.  So we have rounded up some of the most decorated, experienced and fun people we could. But this time, there will be no months of preparation, no expensive suits, just 3 rounds of Barista League style competition chaos!  

The competition
Our five star studded teams will compete in 3 rounds of challenges designed to test their mastery of all things coffee.  There will be pouring, there will be brewing, the will be talking.  Oh and they will be handcuffed together the whole time…

Text: The Barista League

(vorbei) WORLD OF COFFEE AMSTERDAM: 21. – 23. Juni 2018

Europe’s fastest-growing coffee show!
Travelling to a different European city each June, World of Coffee is the essential event for coffee professionals – drawing a loyal audience from the global specialty coffee community, more than 80% of whom return year-on-year. Brought to you by the SCA, the event has more than doubled in size and stature over the last five years, growing from 3,000 visitors and 45 exhibitors to 6,800 visitors and 240 exhibitors in just 5 years.

Text: World of coffee Amsterdam



RAI Amsterdam
Europaplein 24
1078 GZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Nächster Termin

21. – 23. Juni 2018


keine Angaben


keine Angaben

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The backbone of World of Coffee is the dynamic 5000 sq.m. exhibition featuring over 250 of the world’s leading coffee and Horeca industry suppliers. But Europe’s top coffee event is more than a trade show, it is festival of innovation and learning comprising of:

  • World Barista Championships
  • The SCA’s cutting-edge lecture series
  • Two busy cupping rooms
  • A week-long social programme of parties and networking events
  • The ever-popular Roasters’ Village
  • The Sustainability Forum
  • The SCA Guilds Area
  • The highly competitive World of Coffee New Product of the Show Awards
  • The SCA Shop

Text: World of Coffee Amsterdam

(vorbei) BERLIN COFFEE FESTIVAL: 31. August – 3. September 2018

In den letzten Jahren hat sich in Berlin eine vor Neugier und Begeisterung überschäumende Kaffeeszene entwickelt: Cafés, die lustvoll mit der Bohne experimentieren und Röstereien, die sich intensiv mit der Herkunft ihres Kaffees beschäftigen und diese Aromenvielfalt und Geschmacksunterschiede hervor-, nicht hinwegrösten.

Das vierte Berlin Coffee Festival möchte zurück an den Ursprung. In den Wald, zum Kaffeebaum, zur Farm und zu denen, die ihm zum Wachsen verhelfen. Was bedeutet der Anbau für die Bauern? Können sie davon leben? Wie schmeckt der Kaffee aus Ruanda oder El Salvador?

Dieser Markt lädt also dazu ein, die Menschen hinter der Tasse kennenzulernen. Von den Bauern und Bäuerinnen über den Importeur zur Rösterin. Vom Barista zur Aktivistin. Das Berlin Coffee Festival ist eine Plattform für die junge und progressive Kaffeewelt, der es sehr – vor allem aber um mehr als – den Geschmack geht.

Vier Tage lang können Besucher schmecken, rösten, nachfragen, brühen und schäumen! Am Freitag und Samstag überall in Berlin und am Sonntag und Montag in der Markthalle Neun. 

Text: Berlin Coffee Festival

CafCaf Kaffeeblog: Berlin Coffee Festival 2018


Markthalle 9
Eisenbahnstr. 42/42
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Nächster Termin

31. August – 03. September 2018


keine Angaben


5€ / Early Bird Ticket mit Specials 15€ (limitiert)

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Freitag, 31. August + Samstag, 1. September 
Satelliten Programm in ganz Berlin 
Wo kommt unser Kaffee eigentlich her? Und woran erkennt man, ob er gut ist? Wie röstet und brüht man ihn? Im Rahmen des Satellitenprogramms können Interessierte die unterschiedlichsten Kaffee-Orte Berlins besuchen und tief in das Thema eintauchen. Egal ob Kaffeekönner oder Gerntrinker – das ganze Wochenende stößt man mit allen Kaffeefragen auf offene Türen, offene Ohren und Arme. Bei Workshops, Vorträgen und Events organisiert von der Berliner Kaffeewelt!

Sonntag, 2. September, 11-18 Uhr 
Großer Kaffeemarkt in der Markthalle Neun 
Am Sonntag auf dem großen Kaffeemarkt können Besucher diejenigen kennenlernen, die die Berliner Kaffeeszene in den letzten Jahren so lebendig haben werden lassen. Aber nicht nur in Berlin, überall in Deutschland und Europa arbeiten junge Röstereien daran, die Beziehung zwischen den Kaffeebauern und -trinkern zu vertiefen, den Handel neu zu denken – sie alle kommen an diesem Sonntag zusammen. Besucher können sich hier durch die Bohnen von mehr als dreißig Ausstellern probieren.
Montag, 3. September, 11-18 Uhr
Profi Tag in der Markthalle Neun
Am Profi-Tag kommen sich all jene näher, die ihre Leidenschaft für guten Kaffee zum Beruf gemacht haben. Über den ganzen Tag hinweg werden Importeure und Röstereien in Cuppings und Gesprächen sowohl ihren Kaffee als ihr Wissen zum Besten geben. Und weil auch der purste Kaffeegeschmack auf viele Arten zubereitet werden kann, widmet sich das Festival auch den technischen Details. Der Montag ist eine  Plattform für alle, die nicht nur Teil einer neuen Kaffeebewegung sein, sondern sie auch mitgestalten wollen — ein Tag zum sich Auszutauschen und Fortbilden.

Text: Berlin Coffee Festival

(vorbei) GERMAN AEROPRESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2018: 1. September 2018

German AeroPress Championship 2018 – Deutsche Aeropress Meisterschaft 2018:

Compete for glory and a flight to Sydney on November 16th & 17th to represent Germany in the World Finals! The competition is taking place at the Five Elephant Roastery, Glogauerstr. 5 in Berlin on Saturday the 1st of September during the @berlincoffeefestival.

Sign up here!

Text: AeroPress Championship 2018

CafCaf-Kaffee Event: Deutsche Aeropress Meisterschaft 2018, German Aeropress Championship 2018


Five Elephant Roastery
Glogauerstr. 5
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Nächster Termin

01. September 2018


(vorbei) SWISS COFFEE CONNECTION: 29. – 30. September 2018

The Swiss Coffee Connection invites you to the first ever coffee festival in Lausanne.

Open to everyone, this annual event aims to bring together coffee lovers and coffee professionals: artisans, roasters, machine builders, baristas and artists-creators, where you will discover or re-discover the craftwork of these local independents.Here you will be able to appreciate the third wave coffee, coffee as an art.

The nature of coffee will be revealed in all its diversity, aromas, production and various extraction methods. On programme, booth, workshops, tastings, mobile-coffee, demonstrations.

Swiss Coffee Connection is the place to exchange, question, discover and experience new flavours. Come enjoy the wide range of special coffee, from the artisan to the cup.

Text: Swiss Coffee Connection

Swiss Coffee Connection. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



Avenue de Sévelin 5
21004 Lausanne – CH

Nächster Termin

29. – 30. September 2018


9 – 18 Uhr (29. September) bzw. 9 – 19 Uhr (30. September)

Swiss Coffee Connection. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


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29. September
Opening 9h00
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
2018 Aeropress Swiss Championchip starts at 16h00 at the Base bar
Closing 19h00

After Party at the Base bar

30. September
Opening 9h00
Visit the fair / Free tasting / Workshop / Musical showcase / Brunch
Closing 18h00

Text: Swiss Coffee Connection

(vorbei) ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL 2018: 29. September – 01. Oktober 2018

Between September 29 and October 1, 2018, Technopolis-Gazi in Athens, Greece will be filled, once again, with the unique aromas of coffee as well as thousands of visitors –from coffee professionals to coffee aficionados– consolidating its reputation as the premier event for the sector.

For the third consecutive year, the Athens Coffee Festival will promote the culture of coffee consumption. The premier coffee event in Greece will take place between September 29 and October 1, 2018 at Technopolis-Gazi in Athens and is expected to welcome more than 40,000 visitors!

All the latest trends, all brand new products that will dominate the domestic and international coffee scene, the most modern equipment, specialty coffees, and innovations will be showcased at the stands of the approximately 100 festival exhibitors. In addition, professionals will have the chance to take advantage of expert advice by tailoring everything to the needs of their own business.

For yet another year, the Athens Coffee Festival will be at the core of the positive developments in the profitable coffee market, with professionals, coffee experts and coffee lovers sharing views and experiences, and raising even higher the bar for the industry.

Text: Athens Coffee Festival 2018

Athens Coffee Festival 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



Technopolis in Gazi


Nächster Termin

29. September – 01. Oktober 2018


10–22 Uhr, Montag 12–22 Uhr

Athens Coffee Festival 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


5 Euro pro Tag

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A plethora of special events
Athens Coffee Festival will host daily, in specially-designed halls, a series of targeted seminars for coffee professionals (THE LAB), as well as intriguing discussions for coffee lovers (CHATROOM), with leading professionals from Greece and abroad. In addition, the Festival’s main stage will welcome popular radio producers and DJs, as well as bands that will perform live, exclusively for festival visitors.

Under the auspices of SCA Greece
The ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL is organized by FORUM SA, the leading exhibition and trade publications company in Greece (HORECA, FOOD EXPO, XENIA, ARTOZA) and is held under the auspices of SCA Greece, the Greek chapter of the International Specialty Coffee Organization. The major sponsor of the festival is Barista’s Gold and the Official Media Partner, the trade magazine, Snack & Coffee.

Useful information
ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL will welcome coffee lovers from 10.00 in the morning until 10.00 in the evening during the weekend and from 12.00 in the afternoon until 10.00 in the evening on Monday. Entrance to the festival requires a daily ticket of €5 issued from the ticket offices at the Technopolis entrance on Iakchou Street, 50 meters from Kerameikos Metro station.

Text: Athens Coffee Festival 2018

(vorbei) TYDEN KAVY COFFEE WEEK 2018: 01. – 07. Oktober 2018

Cuppings, baristshows, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, and many other coffee-tasting experiences await you during the 8th annual Coffee week festival! The Coffee week 2018 will connect cafes, roasters and coffee suppliers all over the Czech Republic and you can enjoy not only the unusual program in the participated cafes, but also great competitions! The International Coffee Day is celebrated in a traditional week from October 1st to October 7th.

Text: Tyden Kavy Coffee Week

Tyden Kavy Coffee Week 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



ganztägig in ganz Tschechien

Nächster Termin

01. – 07. Oktober 2018


ganztägig in ganz Tschechien


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(vorbei) LJUBLJANA COFFEE FESTIVAL 2018: 05. – 06. Oktober 2018

Ljubljana Coffee Festival is a celebration of growing Specialty Coffee scene in Slovenia and a gift to our capital.

Ljubljana is often described by many travellers as the hidden pearl of Europe. Both its residents and numerous visitors perceive Ljubljana as a city built on a human scale. Despite the fact that it ranks among the mid-sized European cities, it has preserved its small-town friendliness and, at the same time, it has everything that all the larger capitals have.

Almost everything. It doesn’t have coffee festival.

Ljubljana Coffee Festival places Ljubljana on the map alongside the best Specialty Coffee capitals and festivals. Festival is an important cornerstone of the new trend in the coffee industry in Slovenia and is addressed as much to coffee industry or gastronomy professionals, coffee shops owners as to locals and coffee lovers.

Text: Ljubljana Coffee Festival 2018

Ljubljana Coffee Festial 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



Mestni muzej Ljubljana
Gosposka ulica 15
1000 Ljubljana

Nächster Termin

05. – 06. Oktober 2018


5. Oktober @ 10:00 am6. Oktober @ 7:00 pm


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Festivals are really important for creating a coffee community in a city and are meant for sharing knowledge about coffee and presenting novelties in the industry. Therefore we are preparing excellent professional program for lectures in The Lab lecture room, where we will host many well-known-to-industry foreign and local coffee professionals, baristas and roasters. Taste the world best coffees, meet importers and let them take you on a journey of taste discovery and origins; or expand your knowledge with workshops guided by coffee professionals in Sensory Cupping Table room.

La Marzocco The True Artisan Café is an original “pop-up” rotating roaster coffee shop concept that La Marzocco established for events and trade shows to celebrate local, independent coffee communities. True Artisan Cafe is bringing you coffees of many world known coffee roasters.

Two competitions will also happen, 2nd edition of Latte Art Throwdown and 3rd international multidisciplinary barista tournament Barista Battle Challenge.

During all the program local and foreign coffee roasters will brew their coffee for you to taste, or you could grab some of the best street food in Ljubljana and local beer or cocktails.

Text: Ljubljana Coffee Festival 2018

(vorbei) COTECA: 10. – 12. Oktober 2018

Die COTECA ist Europas wichtigste Fachmesse für Kaffee, Tee und Kakao, die alle drei Branchen zu einem hochkarätigen Business-Treff vereint. Mit zahlreichen Ausstellern und Branchenkennern aus aller Welt ist sie die ideale Plattform, um Neuheiten zu präsentieren, Kontakte zu knüpfen und sich über aktuelle Trends und Markttendenzen zu informieren. 2018 findet der Kaffee Campus der Deutschen Röstergilde e.V. wieder gemeinsam mit der COTECA in Hamburg statt. Begleitet wird die Veranstaltung von einer Fachkonferenz sowie einem spannenden Rahmenprogramm mit Workshops, Vorträgen und vielen weiteren praxisnahen Veranstaltungen. Text: COTECA



Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
Halle A4
Messeplatz 1
20357 Hamburg


Nächster Termin

10. – 12. Oktober 2018


Täglich: 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr


Informationen zu Tickets und Vorverkauf für die COTECA und den Kaffee Kampus 2018 finden Sie hier rechtzeitig vor Messebeginn. 

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Auf der COTECA steht der gesamte Verarbeitungsprozess im Mittelpunkt: von der Ernte bis hin zum Endprodukt als Genussmittel – inklusive der dafür notwendigen Technologien und Dienstleistungen. Die COTECA ist somit die perfekte Handelsplattform für Ihr internationales Business. Hier treffen namhafte Aussteller auf ein hoch qualifiziertes Fachpublikum, von dem die meisten Teilnehmer einen entscheidenden Einfluss in ihrem Unternehmen haben.

(vorbei) COFFEE ROASTERS GUILD CAMP 2018: 10. – 13. Oktober 2018

CRG Camp will be making its way to Portugal from the 10 – 13 October and will feature three days of diverse workshops, inspiring seminars, hands-on roasting experience and challenges aimed at connecting and developing roasters from across Europe.

Text: Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018

Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



Évora Hotel
Avenida Túlio Espanca
Apart. 93Évora, Portugal

Nächster Termin

10. – 13. Oktober 2018


10. Oktober @ 8:00 am – 13. Oktober @ 5:00 pm


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Make sure to add the discount code ‘GUILDSCA‘ to receive the 100 EURO member discount or add the discount code ‘SCA‘ to receive the 50 EURO discount!
In order to receive the membership discount, enter the discount code below, supply the attendee’s SCA number in the questions, and the discount will be granted in these cases:

€100 discount if the attendee has a personal membership (in his/her own name) in the Roaster category (this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket)
€100 discount if the attendee is registered as a Coffee Roasters Guild member under a Company membership (this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket)
€50 discount if the attendee is registered as an Individual Professional SCA member, is registered as a company representative, or are members in other categories (Technician or Barista) – this number can only be used for 1 discounted ticket

Text: Coffee Roasters Guild Camp 2018


IBCF is back to Espacio88 in October 11th, 12th and 13th with more cuppings, more talks, more workshops, more professional networking and, of course, with more coffee.

Text: IBCF – Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival

IBCF, independend-barcelona-coffee-festial



Espacio 88
Poblenou neighborhood


Nächster Termin

11. – 13. Oktober 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt

Kaffee-Events, Festival und Kalender: IBCF, Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival 2018. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog


Freier Eintritt am Freitag,
Weiteres derzeit nicht bekannt

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Donnerstag & Freitag: Pro days
Samstag: Frei für alle Besucher

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In its third consecutive edition and after having +6.000 attendees in 2017 , IBCF keeps the objective of approaching specialty coffee to the coffee consumers  that are not familiar with it yet. Also, for the first time ever, the event will have two whole days aimed at the professionals of the industry: roasters, importers, coffee shop owners, baristas and all the actors involved in the specialty coffee chain value.

Among the confirmations that will make this IBCF edition a major event this Autumn, we have top level names like Klaus Thomsen, owner of Coffee Collective  and world champion barista in 2006, that will fly from Copenhagen to talk about direct trade, the procedure for which is known the Danish business. On these first class confirmations, we will also have Morgan Love, owner of Silo Coffee  – the well-known coffee shop and brunch restaurant – and Krésten Thøgersen, the former barista in the popular Melbourne coffee shop Proud Mary and current owner of Father Carpenter Coffee. They will fly from Berlin to talk about many topics, including their new joint coffee roasting project Fjord Coffee Roasters.

Also, this edition will have espresso and brew bars, some of the best local food projects and a whole day for enthusiastic or curious people that want to try and experience the fascinating world of specialty coffee.

Thursday 11, Friday 12 and Saturday 13 of October

Text: IBCF – Independent Barcelona Coffee Festival

(vorbei) PRAGUE COFFEE FESTIVAL: 20. – 21. Oktober 2018

The first ever Prague Coffee Festival took place in 2012. This fall it will celebrate for the seventh time all that is new and exciting on the coffee scene. Prague Coffee Festival came into existence with the idea of promoting coffee culture and getting-together everyone who is keen on coffee: proffesional baristas, coffeeshop owners, coffee “beginners” and also people who are knowledgeable but want to learn more and more about it. Recently a lot of attention has been paid to coffee, particularly to specialty coffee and to new brewing techniques which has even become popular among the general public. This fact was positively reflected in greater turnout of the first two years of our festival. The Festival weekend is filled with tastings, coffeeshop and roastery presentations, workshops, lectures and music programme. The invited guests from abroad will be prepared to share their rich experience during lectures and discussions.

Prague Coffee Festival is organized by NGO Coffee Embassy whose main goal is to promote coffee culture and introduce the topics referring to coffee, its growers,processors and new methods in the industry to the general public.

Text: Prague Coffee Festival

Prague Coffee Festival. Der Kaffeekalender, Messen & Events. CafCaf – Kaffee & Blog, Kaffeeblog



Pražská tržnice – Prague market
Bubenské nábřeží 306/13
Praha – Holešovice
170 04 Czech Republic

Nächster Termin

20. – 21. Oktober 2018


October 20 @ 10:00 am – October 21 @ 6:00 pm


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(vorbei) TRIEST ESPRESSO EXPO: 25. – 27. Oktober 2018

Between the 25th and the 27th of October 2018, the city of Trieste will host the 9th edition of TriestEspresso Expo. The event brings together all aspects of the espresso coffee industry under one roof in an exhibition designed for international coffee industry professionals. TriestEspresso Expo is the Number 1 biennial B2B exhibition in the theme of the espresso coffee trade industry. Text:

Logo Triestespresso EXPO



Triest, Italy


Nächster Termin

25. – 27. Oktober 2018


Täglich: 10:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr


Werden demnächst bekannt gegeben.

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alle 2 Jahre
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Green coffee: green coffee origins that aim to expand in the espresso market, green coffee exporters, traders and importers that are looking for a brighter future

Processing: Roasters small and large seeking new clients, coffee roasting and processing equipment manufactures, Espresso machine and spare parts manufactures and suppliers, Manufactures of all other kind of coffee brewing equipment, Manufactures of grinders, supplies of packing machines and labelling systems

Accessories: Tableware suppliers and manufactures of cups, coffee service items in all materials

Services: Logistics providers, coffee IT providers, forwarding agents, banks, insurance companies, shipping agents, Associations, Trade Press


(vorbei) THE MILAN COFFEE FESTIVAL: 30. November – 02. Dezember 2018

It’s homecoming for The Coffee Festival as it hits Milan this November. Allegra Events, the team behind the London, Amsterdam and New York Coffee Festivals is pleased to announce The Milan Coffee Festival, taking place from 30 Nov to 02 Dec 2018.

Text: IBCF – The Milan Coffee Festival

CafCaf-Kaffee Event: The Milan Coffee Festival 2018



Spazio Pelota, Milan

Nächster Termin

30. November – 02. Dezember 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt

CafCaf-Kaffee Event: The Milan Coffee Festival 2018


Standard Tickets from €12.00 (Until October 01, then €15.00) (€18.00 on the day)

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Join us and more than 6,000 coffee lovers to celebrate the community and culture behind the vibrant Italian coffee scene at the stunning Spazio Pelota.

Taste an exceptional selection of coffees, partake in interactive masterclasses and enjoy the evening aperitivo sessions at this unique, immersive showcase of the new era of Italian specialty coffee.

Witness the Milan debut of some firm festival favourites; meet the artisans at La Marzocco’s True Artisan Café and boost your coffee knowledge in The Lab. Plus, experience the launch of brand new event features, including the first ever CMx™ (the first ever regional Coffee Masters challenge).

Curated to cater to coffee lovers of all levels, from beginner, to industry leader, this is a coffee calendar must.

Text: The Milan Coffee Festival

(vorbei) CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy: 30. November – 02. Dezember 2018

The CM™ – Italy is a new, fast-paced, multi-discipline national barista tournament which will be launched at the first ever Milan Coffee Festival, from 30 November to 2 December 2018.

Text: CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy

CafCaf-Kaffeeblog_Events_CMx™ - Coffee Masters - Italy



Spazio Pelota, Milan



Nächster Termin

30. November – 02. Dezember 2018


derzeit nicht bekannt

CafCaf-Kaffeeblog_Events_CMx™ - Coffee Masters - Italy


Standard Tickets from €12.00 (Until October 01, then €15.00) (€18.00 on the day)

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Cut from the same cloth as the global Coffee Masters competition, CMx™ – Italy will see 16 of the best baristas in Italy go head-to-head for the grand title, €1,000 cash, and automatic qualification for a coveted spot in Coffee Masters – London 2019. Over three days of knockout competition, the competitors must impress a panel of renowned judges, showcasing world-class skill, knowledge, talent and showmanship. This is a high octane, highly skilled, entertaining contest that tests baristas in every discipline, from cupping, to latte art and efficiency.

Text: CMx™ (Coffee Masters) – Italy


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Messen & Events 2017

Die wichtigsten Messen in 2017 findest du hier!

Kaffee-Events 2017

Special: Zu Besuch bei kolumbianischen Ureinwohnern

The Arhuaco

Chapter 1: Dipping Into Another Universe

The Arhuaco

Chapter 1:
Dipping Into Another Universe

The Arhuaco

Chapter 2: Coffee From Another Universe

The Arhuaco

Chapter 2:
Coffee From Another Universe

Unser Kolumbien-Dokumentarfilm