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PRF El Salvador 2023

PRF El Salvador 2023

PRF brings producers, roasters and coffee professionals together in coffee-producing countries in Latin America, resulting in strong, long-term relationships, conversations about the real issues and innovations in the industry, networking, commercial opportunities, and green coffee sales.

In 2023, PRF is set to host two events per year. We’ll be hosting the first event of the year in El Salvador. The country and region itself have a burgeoning coffee industry, with thousands of producers cultivating some of the world’s best shade-grown coffee. Despite this, however, it hasn’t historically been a major destination for industry events. As such, we see an opportunity to bring a high-quality, professional forum to the country to promote Salvadoran coffee on the international stage.

At all of our PRF events, we bring industry leaders from across the globe to present on a wide range of topics. Our speakers come from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. The event also includes competitions, workshops, panels, cuppings, and other relationship-building activities.

As a world-leading coffee industry event held at origin, PRF partners with brands whose vision aligns with our overall strategy.

We also invite roasters, importers, and green coffee buyers to sign up for an all-inclusive three-day Sourcing Trip Experience, where they stay in coffee farms and forge close business relationships with their host producers.

PRF is an event that is tailor-made for coffee roasters and coffee producers. It is the event that produces real relationships and long-term sales. It is the event that puts origin at the front of the conversation.

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